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Social Security Law and Legislation


Procedures and Principles Established for the 4-Point Insurance Premium Discount Application

As is well known, the 5‑point portion of the employer’s share of disability, old‑age, and death insurance premiums calculated based on the insured’s premium‑related earnings was applied as a discount to employers under certain conditions. However, with the new regulation, except for private sector employers operating in the manufacturing industry, starting from February 2025 the support provided for the employer’s share of disability, old‑age, and death insurance premiums will be applied as 4 points.

The procedures and principles regarding the implementation of this change have been defined by the Social Security Institution (SSI) in Circular No. 2025/6, and the key points are outlined below:

Yazar Ümit Kır, Kategori Social Security Law and Legislation


Regulation on Minimum Wage Support for 2025

With the Official Gazette dated January 31, 2025 and numbered 7539, a regulation was made on the minimum wage support to be provided to employers in 2025 by adding a temporary article 109 to the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law No. 5510.

With the regulation, the minimum wage support for the period January 1, 2025 - December 31, 2025 was determined as 1,000 TRY.

General information regarding the procedures and principles of the regulation is listed below:

Yazar Ümit Kır, Kategori Social Security Law and Legislation


The Social Security Employer Premium Incentive Rate of 5% Will Be Applied at 4%

Law No. 7538, which was published in the Official Gazette on 15 January 2025, made important amendments to the Social Security and General Health Insurance Law and some other laws and introduced new regulations. A summary of these amendments is given below and the full text of the Law is attached.

Amendments to the Social Security and General Health Insurance Law

  • Premium Incentive: The phrase ‘five’ in the first sentence of subparagraph (ı) of the first paragraph of Article 81 of the Law No. 5510 regulating the 5-point premium incentive has been amended as ‘four’. Thus, the amount corresponding to four points of the employer's share of the private sector employers' disability, old age and death insurance premiums will be covered by the Treasury.
  • 5-point Incentive in the Manufacturing Sector: The 5-point incentive provisions for the manufacturing sector will continue to be applied until December 31, 2026. The President is authorized to extend the period of this article until December 31, 2027.

Yazar Ümit Kır, Kategori Social Security Law and Legislation


The Lower and Upper Limits of Social Security Base were Published by Social Security Institution

Following the determination of the minimum wage amount valid for the year 2025, with the circular dated January 10, 2025 and numbered 2025/2 to be applied between January 1, 2025 and December 31, 2025; a circular was published determining the lower and upper limits of daily and monthly social security bases, the amounts to be taken into account in the periods spent abroad and service indebtments, the premium amounts to be paid by voluntary insurances and general health insurances, administrative fines and the amounts to be taken as basis in temporary incapacity, funeral and breastfeeding allowances. The main amounts to be taken into account within the scope of the circular numbered 2025/2 are stated below, and detailed information can be found in the circular attached to this article.

Yazar Ümit Kır, Kategori Social Security Law and Legislation

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