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Social Security Law and Legislation


Constitutional Court Cancels Certain Expressions of the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law

The Decision of The Constitutional Court dated 01.02.2024 with file no 2021/61 and decision no 2024/31 was published in the Official Gazette numbered 323496 on March 21, 2024.

With the relevant Decision, it has been decided to cancel the underlined expressions of the sentences,

Yazar CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Taylan Ege Günel, Kategori Social Security Law and Legislation


2024 Minimum Wage Support Procedures and Principles

With the amendment made on January 25, 2024, temporary Article 101 was added to the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law No. 5510 (In Turkish), and the application of minimum wage support was continued.

The mentioned article provides that employers who employ insured persons subject to long-term insurance branches under clause 4/1-a can benefit from minimum wage support, and general regulations regarding the conditions for benefiting from the support, and in which cases the support will not be provided have been introduced. In summary;

Yazar Kerem Akdağ, Kategori Social Security Law and Legislation, Labor Law


Social Security Incentive No. 6111 Extended to the End of 2025

With the Presidential Decision published in the Official Gazette dated February 3, 2024 and numbered 32449, the period of the social security premium incentive numbered 6111, which is included in the temporary article 10 of the Unemployment Insurance Law No. 4447, is extended until December 31, 2025.

For each insurant employee to be recruited in order to apply the relevant incentive, it is essential that;

Yazar Erdoğdu Onur Erol, Kategori Social Security Law and Legislation


2024 Minimum Wage Support

The 2024 minimum wage support has come into force with the Law No: 7417 published on the Official Gazette dated 03 February 2024 and numbered 32449.

Based on that, in case that all conditions are met, the minimum wage support will be automatically deducted from the social security premium payments on the upcoming periods by the Social Security Institution without any application.

Yazar Erdoğdu Onur Erol, Kategori Social Security Law and Legislation, Labor Law

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