Postponement on SSI Debt Inspection for 5 Points Discount

Social Security Institution has published Communiqué No. 2021/30 regarding the postponement on the SSI premium debt inspection for 5 points premium discount.
You can find the details of the Communiqué on below:
With SSI Communiqué No. 2021/26, it was stated that to be eligible for 5 points SSI premium discount, there should be no outstanding premium payments, unemployment premiums, administrative fines or late payment interest for all entities, branches, etc. within Türkiye as of September 2021 (September 2021 Income Tax and Social Security Premium Declaration.)
With the new Communiquê; it is decided that the date/period has been postponed to 01.01.2022 (as of January 2022 Withholding and Premium Service Declaration.) Accordingly, there should be no SSI premium debt for any entity, branch, etc. within Türkiye as of January 2022 to be eligible for 5 points premium discount.
You can reach the SSI Communiqué via the link (In Turkish.)
Should you have any queries or need further details, please contact your customer representative.
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