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Turkish Commercial Code


Regulations on Covid-19 and Some Laws Within the Scope of Omnibus Law No. 7244

Law on the Amendment of Some Laws with the Law on Reducing the Effects of New Coronavirus (Covid-19) Epidemic on Economic and Social Life, which includes articles on reducing the effects of Covid-19 epidemic to economic and social life and amendments to be made in some laws have entered into force, having been published in the Official Gazette dated 17.04.2020 and numbered 31102.

Law No. 7244 includes postponing, not taking or restructuring receivables, extending certain periods regulated by law, innovations brought to business life by the Labour Law and other related regulations and many more.

You can find the regulations in the law below:

ARTICLE 1 - Postponement, not taking or restructuring of some receivables

Due to force major caused by the Covid-19 outbreak, it has been ensured that;

Yazar CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Kategori Taxation Law, Code of Obligations, Labor Law, Turkish Commercial Code


The Default Interest Rate Is Determined for 2019

As is known, the default interest rate announced every January by the T.R. Central Bank has been applied in case there is no default interest rate is determined in a contract or related clause is invalid regarding the good or service supply, according to the clause 7 of the Art. 1530 of the Turkish Commercial Code.

Yazar CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Kategori Taxation Law, Turkish Commercial Code


Travel Allowance - Daily Indemnity

Daily Indemnity

The terms Travel Allowance and Daily Indemnity are usually mixed in our legislation. There are significant differences between them, besides, it is known that the social security premiums are deducted from the travel allowance whereas the daily indemnities are not questioned in social security premiums. Please see below the related articles of Mr.Resul Kurt and  Mr.Mehmet Maç.

As it can be referred from being involved in the 24th article about the indiscriminatenesses of the social security commission, mainly the daily indemnities are not an allowance for the employees but an expense for business. However, on the condition that the indemnities are paid as a lump sum under the name of daily indemnity rather than promoted real travel expenses and that they are economized by the employee, they can be considered as benefit and allowance. The amounts that exceed the legal limits are subject to the taxed wage payment.

Kategori Turkish Commercial Code


New Law Has Been Announced on Prohibiting Parties Located in Türkiye to Sign Foreing Currency Based Contracts

On the Official Gazette numbered 30534 dated 13.9.2018, it has been announced with the Presidential Decree numbered 85 to make amendments on the recently announced Decree Law numbered 32 “The Protection of the Turkish Currency”.

According to the newly announced Decree, the below shall be applicable starting as of 13/9/2018:

  • It is prohibited to have foreign currency-based contracts or contracts with foreign currency payment duties for the parties which are located within the borders of Türkiye in relation to all types of property and real estate purchase, sale and lease agreements, vehicle purchase / sale and lease agreements, service, employment and similar agreements. The clause is applicable to all local parties in Türkiye unless the party is announced to have certain exception by the relevant authority.
  • As of the date this Law is in force (Sept, 13), within 30 days all the rates, values, prices which are to be agreed on foreign currency, shall be adjusted with Turkish currency (TRY) fees. The clause is applicable to all local parties in Türkiye, unless the party is announced to have certain exception by the relevant authority.

Yazar Selim Tankut Akdağ, Kategori Social Security Law and Legislation, Taxation Law, Turkish Commercial Code

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