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Social Security Law and Legislation


A New Era in Retirement With Abroad Borrowing

The Omnibus Bill numbered 7186, published in the Official Gazette numbered 30836 on 19.07.2019, has increased borrowing premium rates and aggravated retirement of the Turkish nationals abroad through abroad borrowing by changing the insurance coverage status of borrowed period with the recent amendments in “the Law on Evaluating Duration Abroad of Turkish Nationals Residing Abroad numbered 3201”.

Yazar Selma Kıy, Kategori Social Security Law and Legislation


Application of Withholding and Premium Service Declaration in Türkiye Has Been Postponed to 01.01.2020

With the law published in 29796 numbered Official Gazette on 09/08/2016, it has been decided to merge Withholding Declaration with Premium and Service Declaration, under the name “Withholding and Premium Service Declaration”.

Yazar Selma Kıy, Kategori Social Security Law and Legislation, Taxation Law


The Amendment on the 2016/21 Numbered SSI Circular

According to the SSI Circular No. 2019/12 and dated 21.05.2019, “6.2. Provision of Temporary Disability Allowance Paid to the Insured to Deduct Employer's Premium Debts” paragraph 1 of titled section, “6.7.3. Other Issues with Notification Entry Related to Not Working” paragraph 11 of titled section, “6.8.1. Procedures and Principles Regarding the Issue of Disability Certificate and Workable Certificates” paragraph 3 of this section has been amended.

Yazar Selma Kıy, Kategori Social Security Law and Legislation


Confidentiality Clauses on the New Processes for the SSI Declarations

Ministry of Treasury and Finance – Revenue Administration has announced a draft circular note numbered VUK-117/2019-7, on the merging of the SSI Monthly Premium Declarations and the Withholding Tax Declarations.

Yazar Selma Kıy, Kategori Social Security Law and Legislation, Taxation Law

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