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Social Security Law and Legislation


The Processes for Control Medical Examination Have Been Announced

Per the announcement on 09.02.2020 with the number 98547999-010.99-E.2339831;

The below regulations have been located within the scope of Social Security Law no: 5510, Article 94:

  • For the disabled individuals who have not completed medical examination within the related period, disability payment would be stopped as of the payment period start date after medical examination period.
  • The disability payment start dates have been regulated for the individuals whose medical examinations have been completed and if the disability statuses have not changed.

Yazar Erdoğdu Onur Erol, Kategori Social Security Law and Legislation


Application of Withholding and Premium Service Declaration in Türkiye Has Been Postponed to 01.03.2020

With the Communiqué published in the 31034 numbered Official Gazette on 09/02/2020; the application of Withholding and Premium Service Declaration in the entire Türkiye has been postponed to 01.03.2020.

In addition, new pilot cities have been added and the application dates have been determined as below:

  • For the tax residents in Kırşehir, the application was started to be executed on 01/06/2017
  • For the tax residents in Amasya, Bartın and Çankırı; the application was started to be executed on 01/01/2018
  • For the tax residents in Bursa, Eskişehir and Konya; the application was started to be executed on 01/01/2020 (Except the banks within the scope of Income Tax communique with No: 281)
  • The application for entire Türkiye will be effective as of 01/03/2020 with the declaration period of March/2020.

Yazar Erdoğdu Onur Erol, Kategori Social Security Law and Legislation, Taxation Law


Five Points of Social Security Premium Discount for The Corporations under Temporary Article 20 of Law No: 506

Per the circular no: 2020/01 dated as 27.01.2020;

The five points discount on Social Security premiums would not be applicable for the corporations within the scope of Social Security Law no: 506, temporary Article 20 (e.g. banks, insurance and reassurance companies, etc).

These corporations can benefit from the incentives which are within the scope of Law no: 4447, Article 10 and Law no: 4857, Article 30.

The points on that regulation will be applicable as of 01.02.2019

Please find that published announcement dated 27.01.2020 on the link below for detailed info (Published in Turkish)

Click to view the circular.

Yazar Erdoğdu Onur Erol, Kategori Social Security Law and Legislation


Authorized Banks That Can Be Used For Tax Payments

Revenue Administration announced the list of authorized bank names that can be used for tax payments as of 2020. The list also includes the tax payment method applicable for the related banks on the list.

Per that announcement; The debit and credit cards of Turkish and Foreign Banks can be used for the tax payments that are collected by the tax offices.

You can find the list on the below link of Revenue Administration (in Turkish)

Revenue Administration (in Turkish)

Yazar Erdoğdu Onur Erol, Kategori Social Security Law and Legislation, Taxation Law

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