Withholding Tax & Premium Service Declaration Announcement

The merged Monthly Premium and Service Declaration will be applicable for the July 2020 income period and to be submitted until 26 August 2020.
Guidelines for data entry of Withholding and Premium Service Declaration can be accessed from the link below:
Also, for the following frequently encountered errors;
- "Registration/ new hire Information Error"
- "Surname information is incorrect."
- "Name information is incorrect."
- "TR Identity Number, Registry Number information is incorrect."
You can correct the relevant parts via the below link:
In addition, to correct the errors received due to the changes in the registration information, you need to update from the e-Declaration screen on the link below;
A valid occupational code information belonging to the occupation name of the employees actually worked in the relevant month must be saved in the system in accordance with the RRRR.RR format, and an error message will be received if an occupational code that is not suitable for the format.
An administrative fine of one tenth of the minimum wage per employee whose occupational name and code is incorrectly declared, not exceeding the monthly minimum wage, will be applied for the workplaces that declares occupational name and code of the employees incorrectly.
You can reach the related SSI announcement via that link.
You can reach the related Revenue Administration announcement via that link.