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The Insurance And Premium Payment of Household Employees Working for Less Than 10 Days

It is made obligatory to have the daily working household employees insured. In practice it is realized that, problems and difficulties are often experinced, even though the execution of these processes are quite easy and quick. As per the relevant regulation, even for a household employee to work for 1 day, they must be insured.

Daily Household Employee: The definition for individuals, who can perfom the tasks such as cookig, cleaning, washing dishes, laundering, ironing, gardening and shopping, child and eldercare outside the household members.

We would like to present you the easiest method fo this process.

In order to insure the daily household employees working in less than 10 days in a month and to pay their premiums; the employers must first obtain e-government password. With this password the system is accessed in the link of

The access to the e-government system with this password is as follows.

e-devletAfter the login screen through T.R. ID Number and e-government passord, SSI processes are accessed by selecting Social Security Institution.


The transactions can be made by accessing the link of 4/A Employer Application and Inquiry link for Household Employess for less than ten days.


Click the icon of New Registration.


Click on the "Continue" button on the bottom of the screen to proceed.


Select the T.R. ID Number and the number of worked days for the daily household employee. The notification regarding the employee must be made on the relevant worked day. Otherwise, at the end of the month this screen of SSW is unavailable for use. Hence, the possibility for these processes to be made in the internet environment disappears.

The process will be complete by clicking save.



After the notification, the premium can be paid with credit card through e-government system via "Application for Premium Payment with Card".



For debt inquiry;

Select "Diğer Ödemeler" for Inquiry Class and " 60 EK-9 10 GÜNDEN AZ TAHSİLATI" for Inquiry Type. Type in seurity code. By debt inquiry the payment transaction is completed with credit card.


Premium calculation;

The employers, who employ insured household workers for less than 10 days in a month in their houses, will pay premium of occupational accidents and professional diseases for each day worked and at an amount corresponding to 2% of the daily minimum wage.

In the occupational accidents and professional diseases

The amount to be paid for one day between the periods of 1/4/2015-30/6/2015 is 0,80.-TL
And the amount to be paid between the periods of 1/7/2015-31/12/2015 will be 0,85.-TL
The employers must proceed with this procedure ever month for the household workers they employ for less than 10 days in a month.


They will apply with the "DECLARATION REGARDING THE HOUSEHOLD EMPLOYEES WORKING FOR 10 DAYS OR MORE" to the social security directorates or social security central offices.

This declaration incorporates the declarations of workplace, new hire, termination and monthly premium and service document.

Inside the declaration;

There are information regarding

  • The employment date of the insured,
  • The daily earning to be determined according to the wage to be paid to the insured,
  • How many days the insured will work within a month,
  • The reason to work in household services

and it must be signed by both the insured and the employer to be delivered to the Institution until the end of the month, in which the employment began.


Yazar CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Kategori Social Security Law and Legislation

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