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The Age Limit for Benefiting From Health Services Free of Charge Under The General Health Insurance

The General Health Insurance entered into force as of 12/1/2012 with the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Act no. 5510. It covers all persons residing in Türkiye. Before the concerned act was put into effect, there were persons who were not subject to any insurance branch under 4/a, 4/b or 4/c. With the General Health Insurance, all persons residing in Türkiye have been taken into insurance coverage.

In the former practice, female and male minors were able to benefit from their families' insurance until age of 20 in case of continuing high school education, and until age of 25 in case of continuing higher education. In case they exceed the specified age limits, they were required to have an income test conducted and to pay premium according to the result thereof. With the change implemented in the practice, the conditions we have mentioned above were sought to be improved. Under the practice which is regulated by the law No. 6663 and which was entered into force on 2/10/2016, those who are not deemed as dependents of their mothers and fathers will be able to benefit from health services for 2 years following the date they will graduate, with their premiums paid by the state and without having an income test performed, provided that those who are high school or other equivalent school graduates are not above the age of 20 and those who are higher education graduates are not above the age of 25.


Yazar Selma Kıy, Kategori Social Security Law and Legislation

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About The Author

Selma Kıy

Certified Public Accountant - SMMM

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