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Submission Period of VAT Declaration and BA BS Forms Has Been Extended

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic spreading rapidly in our country, considering the requests submitted by Members of Profession and Employers, 23.03.2020 dated Tax Procedural Law circular numbered VUK – 126 / 2020 – 5 has been published by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance.

With the regulations of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, below decisions have been taken:

  • Declaration and payment periods of Value Added Tax Declarations have been extended to the end of 24.04.2020 Friday, instead of 26.03.2020.
  • Submission period of “Form Ba” and “Form Bs” regarding 2020 February has been extended to the end of 30.04.2020 Thursday, instead of 31.03.2020.
  • Generation and signing period of e-Ledgers, and uploading period of “Electronic Ledger Charters”, which are required to be uploaded to Revenue Administration IT System, have been extended to the end of 30.04.2020 Thursday, instead of 31.03.2020.

If you have further queries, please contact your customer representative.

Details of the circular in Turkish can be accessed from here.

Yazar Selma Kıy, Kategori Taxation Law

  • Notification!

    Contents provided in this article serve to informative purpose only. The article is confidential and property of CottGroup® and all of its affiliated legal entities. Quoting any of the contents without credit being given to the source is strictly prohibited. Regardless of having all the precautions and importance put in the preparation of this article, CottGroup® and its member companies cannot be held liable of the application or interpretation of the information provided. It is strictly advised to consult a professional for the application of the above-mentioned subject.

    For each concrete situation, it is strongly advised to seek guidance from a professional advisor. If you are a customer of ours, please consult with your customer representative before taking any action related to the announcement. If you are not a customer, seek advice from an expert.

About The Author

Selma Kıy

Certified Public Accountant - SMMM

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