SSI Normalization Support and Additional Employment Incentives Extension

With the Official Gazette numbered 31322 published on 02.12.2020, period extensions have been made on the articles Temporary 26, Temporary 10, Temporary 19 and Temporary 21 of Law no: 4447.
Social Security Normalization Support (No:7252)
The Social Security Premium Incentive period known as "normalization support (numbered 7252)" in the Temporary Article 26 has been extended to 30.06.2021 and can also be valid for up to 6 months.
For private sector employers, three months from the month following the end of short-term/cash wage support until 30.06.2021.
Also, if the right to short work is established within the period of benefiting from that premium support, the support application is suspended and if it is requested again after the short-term employment period has passed, the support continues to be used for the remaining period.
Applications for employees who are covered by the employers can be made via the "Law No.4447 Temporary Article 26 Support" menu on the "e-SSI/Employer/Employer System/Insured Identification to Benefit from Incentives" screens accessed by logging into the website will be made.
Employment Incentives
Incentive No. 6111; The period of benefiting from additional employment incentives included in the Temporary Article 10 of the Law No. 4447 has been extended to 31.12.2022.
Per this article; "those who have been employed by private sector employers since the effective date of this article; Provided that they are excluded from the insured persons registered in the premium and service declarations submitted to the Social Security Institution for the six months before the date of their employment, they are added to the average number of the insured in the premium and service declarations for the same period and that they meet the other conditions specified in this article, the amount of the employer's shares of the insurance premiums calculated over their earnings subject to premium specified in article 82 are covered by the Unemployment Insurance Fund as of the date of their employment."
Incentive No. 7103; The additional employment incentive periods included in the Temporary Article 19 of Law No. 4447 have been extended to 31.12.2022.
Per that article; that incentive can be applied "For the unemployed individuals registered to the Institution and those who were employed by private sector employers between 1/1/2018 and 31/12/2022 within the scope of this article"
Incentive No. 7103; The duration of the tax reduction application applied for employees employed within the scope of Temporary Article 21 of Law No. 4447 has been extended to 31.12.2022.
Per that article; the accrued tax is waived that is calculated over the monthly gross amount of the minimum wage applied in the relevant year, which corresponds to the number of premium payment days for those employed within the scope of temporary article 19 and temporary article 20 of the Law number 4447.
You can reach the incentive extension decision numbered 7252 by clicking the link. (In Turkish)
You can reach the incentive extension decision numbered 6111 by clicking the link. (In Turkish)
You can reach the incentive extension decision numbered 7103 by clicking the link. (In Turkish)