SSI Employer Representation

The Social Security Institution published a General Letter with regards to the employer representation.
Per that regulation, SSI will assign employer representatives per the employee count of the companies to fasten the SSI processes.
The employer representative implementation will primarily start in Izmir and Gaziantep provinces as of 16.05.2022. And, per the results & feedbacks, this would be applicable in all provinces in the future.
In addition, the below statements have been shared with regards to the implementation of this process:
- The applications would be done via e-mail to the SSI employer representative.
- The applications are processed by the relevant officers and approved by the relevant managers on SSI. The recults are shared with the employers via their company e-mail addresses.
- If required, the additional documents with regards to the applications are requested from the employer and the employer would need to send these documents via e-mail. In case the original copies are required, this would be notified to the employer via email by SSI officer.
- If it is impossible to finalize the application via email, the applicant would be invited to the SSI office via e-mail to fasten and finalize the application.
You can reach the General Letter of SSI via that link (In Turkish).
Should you have any queries or need further details, please contact your customer representative.