SSI Debt Inspection for 5 Points Discount in Türkiye

Social Security Institution has published a notification regarding the SSI premium debt inspection for 5 points premium discount.
Per that notification, the SSI premium debt inspections will start as of January 2022 for the 5% discount on the SSI employer portion.
The 5% SSI premium discount would not be applicable for an employer if any of the workplaces in Türkiye have SSI premium debt, unemployment premium debt, administrative fine, late payment interest, etc.
Also, for the employers who submit declarations with incentive documents, the below points have been stated:
- These employers will need to check if any SSI debt is not paid within the deadline for any workplaces.
- The employers would need to prepare incentive documents after paying all SSI debts if any.
- To avoid any issue during the preparation of incentive documents, the employers can pay attention to paying the SSI debts at least 1 day before the SSI submission deadline
- In case that an incentive document cannot be prepared, that would not affect the Withholding tax and SSI premium declaration obligation. And the employers would still need to submit these declarations.
You can reach the related SSI notification via the link (In Turkish.)
Should you have any queries or need further details, please contact your customer representative.