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Remote Work Opportunity for Technology Employees

Remote Work Opportunity for Technology Employees

The scope of the Presidential Decision no: 7103 related to tech employees would be summarized as below:

  • From April 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 (including these dates), a hundred percent (100%) will be applied to the information technology employees whose nature is determined by the Ministry.
  • For the employees other than those mentioned above, it will be applied at seventy-five percent (75%) until December 31, 2023 (including this date).

Per the announcement of the Ministry of Industry and Technology.

The nature of the information technology employees who will benefit from this support in R&D or design centers and technology development zones is defined as follows: "Graduates from four-year computer, electronics, or software-related departments of faculties, or graduates from foreign higher education institutions whose equivalency has been recognized by the Higher Education Council, as well as graduates from faculties, vocational schools, and vocational high schools other than those mentioned above, who work in technology development zones, R&D and design centers in the fields of software, design (chip design, system design, hardware architecture design, etc.), analysis, network connections, or related areas such as testing and maintenance."

You can access our previous publication on the subject via the link.

You can reach the Ministry announcement via that link (In Turkish).

You can reach the relevant Official Gazette via that link (In Turkish).

Should you have any queries or need further details, please contact your customer representative.

Yazar Erdoğdu Onur Erol, Kategori Taxation Law

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    Contents provided in this article serve to informative purpose only. The article is confidential and property of CottGroup® and all of its affiliated legal entities. Quoting any of the contents without credit being given to the source is strictly prohibited. Regardless of having all the precautions and importance put in the preparation of this article, CottGroup® and its member companies cannot be held liable of the application or interpretation of the information provided. It is strictly advised to consult a professional for the application of the above-mentioned subject.

    For each concrete situation, it is strongly advised to seek guidance from a professional advisor. If you are a customer of ours, please consult with your customer representative before taking any action related to the announcement. If you are not a customer, seek advice from an expert.

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