Regulation Regarding the Partial SSI Premium Exemption of Cash Meal Allowance

With the "Regulation on Amending of the Regulation on Social Security Transactions" published in the Official Gazette dated November 11, 2022 and numbered 32010, arrangements were made regarding the cost of meals being subject to SSI premium.
The below changes have been made with the new regulation on the Social Security Transactions.
- In case that, meals are not provided to the employees by the employer in the workplaces and its outbuildings, all kinds of payments made to the employee and third parties for the insured under the name of meal cost will be exempt from the SSI premium base. The SSI exemption of cash meal allowance will be applied for actual workday.
- The exemption rate will be announced by SSI.
- The new application will enter into force on 1st of December 2022.