Regulation on Tax-Free Childbirth Support

Turkish national and blue-card holder Parents whose children were born on and after 15/05/2015 can be recipients for this benefit.
One-time payment for:
First Child: 300 TL
Second Child: 400 TL
Third and each subsequent children: 600 TL
Second Child: 400 TL
Third and each subsequent children: 600 TL
Related Authority:
Local Directorate of Family and Social Policies – Social Services Unit
For recipients working in the public sector, their government employer unit
For Turkish citizens living abroad: Turkish Consulate or Embassy
Application Method:
Principal recipient is the mother. In the event where the mother is not a Turkish citizen or a blue-card holder, father; and if none are available, the legal custodian can apply and receive the benefit.
Applications are done in writing in person or via registered mail or courier to the related authority.
Turkish ID number of all related parties (children and parents) shall be indicated in the application.
Application Processing Times:
Applications will be processed within 15 days and payment dates will be determined by the Ministry.
Public Workers:
Eligible parents or legal custodians can apply and receive the benefit. However, if the recipient is a public worker, he or she must declare childbirth benefit received due to his or her individual or collective agreement with the public entity. In the event where this benefit is higher or equal to the common childbirth benefit, the applicant will not receive the latter. In the event where the received benefit is less than the common childbirth, only the difference will be paid.
No benefit is paid in case of adoption; however adopted children are included in the number/rank of children for whom benefit is taken out.