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On the job training Incentive to employers by Turkish Employment Agency

Being unable to procure qualified laborforce is one of the most common situations in our country. The same matter also applies to newly graduated college students, who are considered in the qualified workforce but inexperienced in business life. Employers are of course looking for experienced personnel, however newly graduated and highly qualified workforce can only gain job experience during work.

The government provides new incentives to cope with this matter, to achieve countrywide effectiveness and most importantly to lower the cost of labor by publishing this issue in the official gazette numbered 29335 and dated 23rd April 2015. One of the most important incentives that all employers can benefit is On the Job Training Programme.

On The Job Training Programme

It is an Education Programme, designed to offer a chance to the qualified workforce consisting of the people, who are at least 15 years of age, job seekers registered at Turkish Employment Agency, college students or new graduates, to put their theoretical knowledge into practice and to increase efficiency by introducing this workforce to the market. Employers, who demand to benefit from this programme can either find the employees they need by themselves, or they can request this workforce from Turkish Employment Agency. Training programme can be initiated through the signing of a memorandum among 3 parties; Turkish Employment Agency, the employer and the employee. The period of training is 6 month but it can be dissolved by the employer or the employee at any desired time. Employers who want to benefit from this incentive will not make insurance payment for the employees, who have been employed within the scope of this project. The insurance premiums for occupational accident and professional disease and the general health insurance premiums (these are not taken into consideration in the calculation of retirement days) is covered by the Turkish Employment Agency. Additionally, Turkish Employment Agency will pay 38,48 TL allowance per day to the employee, who works within the scope of this project. If the employer wants to provide additional wage instead of this daily allowance, it will be able to record this amount as expense. Personnel, who will be employerd within the scope of this project, will be able to be worked for minimum 5 hours per day. In case it is mutually agreed by the employee and the employer, the employee will be able to be worked at any desired timeframe excluding Sundays, provided that the work hours do not exceed 8 hours per day or 45 hours per week. Employers, who have at least 2 insured employes will be able to benefit from the programme. Employers, who have employed 2 to 10 personnel, will be to employ 1 employee and the employers, who have 11 or more personnel will be able to employ personnel within the scope of this project at a number corresponding to 10% of their total employee count. The most important condition required by the Turkish Employment Office is to retain the same total number of employees, when starting with the programme. Dropping below this total number brings no penal sanctions, but in such case, the right to utilize this programme will be suspended for one year.
Based on the information we have quoted above, when a mutual agreement is arranged among these 3 parties, significant benefits arise for both the employers and the employees, who wish to gain job experience. With these incentives provided by Turkish Employment Agency, the loss of skilled and qualified workforce will be prevented in our country and efficient utilization of our current resources will be ensured.

Yazar Selma Kıy, Kategori Labor Law

About The Author

Selma Kıy

Certified Public Accountant - SMMM

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