Insured Employee Registry When Establishing a Company

2019/10 numbered Circular of the Social Security Institution (“SSI”) has published on 20.05.2019. Previously, under Art. 4/a of the 5510 numbered Law amended on 10.02.2018, workplace registrations were made automatically due to the establishment of companies registered by the registry of commerce even there is no insured employee. From now on, this implementation is widen as being applied to Statement of Employment, with the 2019/10 numbered Circular.
According to this, registry transactions of insured ones shall be made automatically with transferring the information online based on registry of insured by the registry of commerce, if employed any insured while establishing a company under Art. 4/1(e) of 5510 numbered Law. Thus, a statement of employment for the insured as an addition shall not be drafted.
The related regulation is only for the employers who declared that they employ insured employees while establishing the company. Thus, with this implementation, there is no need to apply to SSI and submit workplace and employment statement while establishing the company, and that one shall register their workplace and insured employees online with declaring that they will employ insured employees when establishing the company.
You may reach the Turkish version of the related 2019/10 numbered SSI Circular here.