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Personal Data Protection Law


Personal Data Institution Updated the VERBIS & Deletion Processes

The protection of the personal data has become more of an issue day by day with the development of internet technologies and personal data stored digitally. In this manner, the Institution of Personal Data Protection (the “Institution”) is developing the national legislation and publishing additional sources for the practice to sustain both domestic information security needs and integration with the European Union.

Yazar CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Kategori Personal Data Protection Law


Updates on the Claim Process of the Data Subject

The Institution of Personal Data Protection has shared an announcement on the Application to the Data Controller and the Period Calculation of the Claims made to the Institution, on 13.02.2019. The issue of interpretation of the claim durations within the Law has become clear with the said announcement for the Data Subjects who exhaust application avenues to the Data Controller. You may reach the full text of the announcement here.

The subjects to be covered with the announcement are as follows:

Yazar CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Kategori Personal Data Protection Law


Data Breach Notification Procedure for the Data Controllers Has Been Published

An announcement (the “Announcement”) regarding the personal data breach notification procedures, has published with the 2019/10 numbered decision of Personal Data Protection Institution on 24.01.2019. The “Personal Data Breach Notification Form” is also shared within this Announcement, you may reach the sample form here.

The Announcement mentions about the obligations of the Data Controller stated in the Art. 12 of the Personal Data Protection Law ("KVKK") and Data Controllers should inform the institution as soon as possible in case of any data breach. The institution has expressed that this notification process aims to prevent negative conclusions or to minimize risks that arise from these breaches on data subjects and others.

Under this scope, the Institution has taken below mentioned decisions to create a ground parallel with European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which constitutes basis for the KVKK:

Yazar CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Kategori Personal Data Protection Law


Resolution Taken by Turkish Personal Data Protection Authority

1 November 2018 Thursday OFFICIAL GAZETTE Number : 30582
From Turkish Personal Data Protection Authority
Decree Date 16/10/2018
Decree No 2018/119
Meeting No 2018/26
Abstract Resolution taken in order to prevent advertisement notifications/calls by data controllers and processers to relevant people’s cell phones via SMS or direct calls, or via e-mails.

Yazar Selim Tankut Akdağ, Kategori Personal Data Protection Law

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