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18 Nisan 2024

What is Voluntary Insurance? What are the Conditions for Voluntary Insurance?
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Yazar Civan Güneş, Kerem Akdağ, Kategori Work Life

What is Voluntary Insurance? What are the Conditions for Voluntary Insurance?

Voluntary insurance is a type of insurance that allows individuals to pay premiums voluntarily to the Social Security Institution (SSI) in order to benefit from basic social security rights such as retirement, disability, and death. Defined within the framework of Law No. 5510 in Türkiye, this system offers significant security for the future, especially for those not covered by social security.

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What is Voluntary Insurance?

Voluntary insurance is a mechanism that covers long-term insurance branches and general health insurance, allowing individuals to benefit from social security rights by voluntarily paying premiums. Individuals, upon meeting certain conditions and throughout the period they pay premiums, can benefit from all the services provided by the compulsory social insurance's long-term branches; in the event of their death, their beneficiaries also have access to these benefits.

What are the Conditions for Voluntary Insurance?

In Türkiye, Turkish citizens residing in Türkiye or in countries that do not have a social security agreement with Turkey qualify for voluntary insurance if they:

  • Are at least 18 years old,
  • Are not employed in a manner that requires coverage under the compulsory insurance stipulated by Law No. 5510,
  • Are employed as insured workers but work less than thirty days per month or do not work full-time,
  • Do not receive disability or old-age pensions in Turkey due to their own insurance,
  • Have applied to the Institution with a petition requesting voluntary insurance.

Individuals meeting these criteria are eligible for voluntary insurance.

Despite being in circumstances not covered by the anticipated conditions, those who are voluntarily insured under provisions not specified in this clause are subject to the provisions of this clause. Individuals who paid voluntary insurance premiums under laws repealed before the effective date of this law and who are insured under the scope of this law will continue their voluntary insurance according to the provisions of the law without any additional procedures.

To be eligible for voluntary insurance, Turkish citizenship is not required; only residency in Turkey is necessary. Additionally, voluntary insurance is also available for those subject to clauses (a), (b), and (e) of Article 5 of Law No. 5510.

Additionally, under clause (g) of the first paragraph of Article 5 of the Law, an exception is provided for Turkish workers who are employed at overseas workplaces of employers undertaking projects in countries without a social security agreement with our country. For these workers, the requirement to reside in Turkey does not apply if they request voluntary insurance, allowing them to become voluntarily insured without needing to live in Turkey.

According to bilateral social security agreements signed with our country, individuals in France, the United Kingdom, Sweden, and Switzerland, as well as those insured in these countries, can pay premiums for voluntary insurance in our country without the need to reside in Turkey, provided they meet the conditions for voluntary insurance.

How is Voluntary Insurance Applied?

Individuals who meet all specified conditions can apply for voluntary insurance. Those who want to become voluntarily insured for the first time need to apply at the Social Security Centers located in their place of residence with the "Voluntary Insurance Entry Declaration" found in the annex of the Social Insurance Transactions Regulation (In Turkish). However, those who wish to apply through the e-Government portal can do so from the section for the initial registration of voluntary insurance (In Turkish).

For those wishing to reapply for voluntary insurance, a simple application with a request letter will suffice.

How Much is the Voluntary Insurance Premium?

In 2024, the calculation and payment amount of voluntary insurance premiums in Türkiye vary according to the daily income declared by the insured. The voluntary insurance premium is calculated as 32% of the insured's declared base earnings, which can range between the lower limit (minimum wage) and the upper limit (7.5 times the minimum wage). Of this rate, 20% is for disability, old-age, and survivors' insurance (DOS), and 12% is for general health insurance. Additionally, those who work less than 30 days per month and those who are voluntarily insured to make up the 30 days in the month under a part-time employment contract also fall under unemployment insurance, with total premium rates at 35%.

For the year 2024, the lower and upper limits for insurance premiums based on earnings are as follows:

Daily Earnings Lower Limit Daily Earnings Upper Limit Monthly Earnings Lower Limit Monthly Earnings Upper Limit
866.85 TRY 6,501.38 TRY 26,005.50 TRY 195,041.40 TRY

You can review the voluntary insurance premiums for 2025 from the table below:

2025 Voluntary Insurance Premium Amounts
4/A Voluntary Insurance Premium Minimum: 8,321.76 TRY Maximum: 62,413.25 TRY
4/B Voluntary Insurance Premium 32% of the declared monthly income
Voluntary Insurance Premium for Housewives 8,321.76 TRY

Voluntary Insurance Start and End Dates

Voluntary insurance begins the day after the individual's application is recorded in the Institution's records, in accordance with Article 51 of the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law. The same article also defines the termination of voluntary insurance as follows:

"Voluntary insurance ends;

  1. For those who request to terminate their voluntary insurance, from the day following the last day for which premiums have been paid,
  2. For those who apply for a pension, from the date of the request, provided they are eligible for the pension,
  3. For an insured who has died, from the date of death.

These conditions ensure that the insurance coverage aligns with the insured's needs and changes in their life circumstances."

Voluntary Insurance Status

Periods for which voluntary insurance premiums have been paid are considered in the application of disability, old-age, and death insurances, as well as general health insurance provisions. These periods are recognized as insurance periods under clause (b) of the first paragraph of Article 4, subject to the provision of the third paragraph of this article (premiums paid for voluntary insurance by those who work less than 30 days in a month are evaluated under the scope of 4/1-a).

Voluntary Insurance Retirement Conditions

Retirement under voluntary insurance varies based on the start date of the insurance, the number of premium payment days, the duration of premium payments, and age criteria.

Insurance Entry Premium Payment Duration Number of Premium Payment Days Age
Before 08.09.1999 10 Years 3600 Days -
09.09.1999 – 30.04.2008 25 Years 4500 Days 60 Years
From 01.05.2008 Onwards Retirement Due to Age Limit 5400 Days 63 Years

For normal retirement under voluntary BAĞ-KUR (4B), a condition of 9000 days of premium payments is required.

Should you have any queries or need further details, please contact us.


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About The Author

Civan Güneş

Digital Marketing Specialist

Kerem Akdağ

Business Development & Marketing Consultant

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