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16 Ekim 2023

What are Payroll Inputs?
× CottBlog

Yazar Civan Güneş, CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Kategori Work Life, Technology

What are Payroll Inputs?

The payroll input is a crucial component of personnel management and cost calculations in organizations. It is a system that records, reports and calculates hourly or daily progress payments. Payroll is usually managed by calculating daily working hours, and when it is time to pay, this data is used to calculate payroll. Based on the data kept in the payroll input, employees receive payment for their monthly work. Regardless of the size of the enterprise or the working system, it is vital for accurately calculating salaries and ensuring complete payments.

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Daily and Monthly Payroll Input

The daily payroll input and the monthly payroll input may show different amounts due to differences in how employee payments are calculated. In a standard employment contract, the employee receives a fixed salary on the specified payment day, as stated in the contract. In a time sheet-based employment system, employee payments are calculated separately for each working day based on the payroll record, which may result in varying payments for leave days. Therefore, in a daily payroll record-based working system, the employee's salary is not fixed. Instead, the payment is calculated based on the number of working days recorded in the payroll record, and the employee receives the calculated payment on the specified payment day.

What is an Payroll Input File?

An payroll input file is a system used to meticulously record the number of days an employee has worked, the annual leave days taken, overtime hours, administrative or special leaves, and entry and exit times. This detailed reporting ensures error-free and complete calculation of an employee's working hours, which is crucial for accurate payment. In addition to that, it allows for productivity analysis, which can be used to identify areas for improvement and optimize employee performance.

How Is Payroll Input Tracking Done?

Input file tracking methods vary depending on the size of the organization and the industry it operates. To ensure accurate and efficient payroll tracking, the following methods can be used:

  1. In small-scale sole proprietorships or businesses with a small number of employees, a manual input file table can be created with the help of a timekeeper. Accurate and error-free payments can be made by recording employed workers' entry and exit times on an input file table, whether daily, weekly, or monthly.
  2. For small or medium-sized businesses, digital spreadsheets like Excel can be used to create an input file table. These spreadsheets are updated monthly to ensure accurate payroll tracking.
  3. In large-scale enterprises with a high number of employees, manual data entry can be time-consuming and prone to errors. Therefore, advanced payroll software or Personnel Attendance Control Systems (PACS) are used for automatic payroll record tracking through online systems.

Payroll Input tracking has traditionally been done using the signature method, where employees sign their timesheets which are then kept on paper by the payroll timekeeper. Another traditional method used for input file tracking is the card punching system, which records the entry and exit times of employees. With the development of Personnel Attendance Control Systems (PACS), these systems can now be automatically calculated. Some alternative payroll tracking systems that are used instead of traditional payroll sheets include:

  • Hand scanners (palm vein scanners)
  • Fingerprint scanners
  • Biometric scanners
  • Facial recognition systems
  • Magnetic chip-based identification or workplace entry and exit cards

The tracking systems mentioned above record entry and exit times, which are then automatically transferred to the personnel attendance control system software. This allows for accurate calculations of monthly entitlements. However, it is important to note that hand scanners, fingerprint scanners, biometric scanners, and facial recognition systems may not comply with the regulations set forth by the KVKK (Personal Data Protection Law). Therefore, their usage must be by specific requirements.

Information Required in an Payroll Input Files

Although some industries may have variations, typically, an payroll input file includes the following information:

  • Employee's first and last name
  • Company registration number (if applicable)
  • Department information
  • Entry and exit times
  • Overtime hours
  • Shortened work hours
  • Absent days and reasons for absence

Integration of Personnel Attendance Control Systems (PACS) with Payroll Programs

Managing personnel and payroll processes is a vital and complicated aspect of running a business. Personnel Attendance Control Systems (PACS) enable businesses to track the attendance status and working hours of their employees, allowing them to manage their human resources more efficiently. With accurate payment calculations and error-free payroll processes, these systems have become an essential tool for businesses.

Personnel Attendance Control Systems (PACS) and Payroll Input Records

Attendance control systems are electronic-based systems used by businesses to track their employees' arrival and departure times, leaves (In Turkish), sick reports, and other attendance-related information. Compared to traditional paper-based payroll input sheets, these systems are faster, more reliable, and easier to use. Employees typically access the system using methods such as fingerprint scanning, chip-embedded entry cards, or facial recognition, and their attendance statuses are recorded in the system in this way.

The Advantages of Personnel Attendance Control Systems

  • Prevention of manual errors: Automatic records help prevent incorrect data entry.
  • Saving time: It is faster and easier compared to maintaining traditional payroll input file sheets.
  • Absence management: The tracking of absences, such as leave and sickness, can be done more systematically.
  • Reporting capability: Businesses can generate and analyze reports according to their preferred time frames.

Integration of Bordromat® Payroll Process Management System with PACS

Bordromat® offers full integration with Personnel Attendance Control Systems (PACS) and is beneficial for organizations of all sizes. The software accurately and promptly pays employees based on their payroll records through its integration with PACS. It also eliminates the need for manual data entry and minimizes the risk of errors that come with it. By integrating attendance records and payroll calculations, Bordromat saves time and effort for HR personnel, who would otherwise have to spend a significant amount of time on these tasks.

In conclusion, the integration of personnel attendance control systems and payroll programs is highly advantageous for businesses, allowing for more organized and error-free personnel and payroll processes. Businesses must streamline their processes with integrated systems, using cutting-edge technology, to ensure successful and effective personnel management.

Should you have any queries or need further details, please contact us.


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