Tax Payments Will Not Be Made via Private Banks

Within the scope of Ministry of Treasury and Finance Revenue Administration Directorate Protocol dated 26.11.2019 and numbered 92467168 – 030.03 (76-01) – E. 162711; it has been decided that private banks’ tax collection applications through all channels including headquarters, branches, online banking, ATM and phone banking are to be terminated as of 01.01.2020.
As of 01.01.2020, taxpayers, who run their business processes via private banks, will be able to make tax payments through a Public Bank account, or Revenue Administration Directorate’s internet tax office system.
Taxpayers, who will make tax payments over Revenue Administration Directorate’s internet tax office system, will be able to process their payments via tax office password and corporate credit card.
Relevant Ministry of Treasury and Finance Revenue Administration Directorate Protocol can be accessed from here. (in Turkish)