Tax and SSI Premium Exemption for the Earthquake Victims

The Law No: 7440 published on the Official Gazette dated March 13, 2023 and numbered 32130.
With that Law, the additional payments / allowances up to a limit amount of TRY 50,000, made to the earthquake victim employees (whose spouse, child or mother and father were affected), between the period February 6, 2023 – July 31, 2023, will be exempt from income tax (In Turkish), social security premium and stamp tax. (In Turkish)
Based on the above article, the related conditions can be listed as below:
- It will be applied for places where force majeure is declared within the scope of Law No. 213, Article 15 of.
- It will be applied to the employees, whose him/herself, spouse, child or parents were affected by the earthquake.
- It will be applied between February 6, 2023 and July 31, 2023 (including these dates).
- It will be applied for in-kind / non-cash benefits and cash benefits not exceeding 50,000 TL, given in addition to current compensation such as wages, premiums, bonuses, etc.
You can reach the relevant Law via that link (In Turkish).
Should you have any queries or need further details, please contact your customer representative.