Special Consumption Tax (OTV) for Junk Vehicles Has Been Increased

Law No. 7176 published in the Official Gazette dated 12/06/2019 and numbered 30799, some amendments have been made to the Law on Revolving Funds numbered 2252, Law No. 7103 and Law No. 6001 on the Services of the General Directorate of Highways.
These amendments are as follows;
Corporate Tax exemption has been implemented to the Revolving Fund of the Ministry of Culture.
No administrative fines will be imposed under the Law no. 6001 from 1/1/2019 to 12/6/2019 on the grounds that vehicle users who have been banned by vehicle classes to cross the “15 Temmuz Şehitler Bridge”. No penalty will be served to those who have been fined, the collection of those who have been notified with fines will be waived, and if there are any objections made or cases opened, it will be decided that there is no room for ex officio decision. The costs of the proceedings will be left on the parties and the power of attorney will not be ruled. If the collections made before the date of 12/6/2019 within the scope of the said penalties are applied by the end of 31/08/2019, they will be rejected and returned until 30/9/2019.
The maximum amount of excise duty amounting to 10,000 TL to be abandoned for junk vehicles has been increased to 15.000 TL as of 12/6/2019.
You can reach the related Circulars in Turkish, here.