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10 Şubat 2025

KOSGEB Employment Protection Support Program
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Yazar Ümit Kır, Kategori Work Life

KOSGEB Employment Protection Support Program

To protect employment, support business continuity and ensure the sustainability of economic vitality in the labor-intensive sectors of the manufacturing industry, KOSGEB (Small and Medium Enterprises Development and Support Administration) started to implement the Employment Protection Support Program, which is offered on a non-refundable basis.

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General information on the procedures and principles of the arrangement is listed below.

  1. Which businesses/companies can benefit from the program?
  2. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can benefit from the program provided that they are registered and active in the system, have an up-to-date Business/Company Declaration and operate in sectors supported by KOSGEB.

  3. In which sectors can enterprises operating in receive support?
  4. Businesses operating in the manufacturing industry and NACE codes belonging to the following sectors can benefit:

    • 13: Textile Products Manufacturing
    • 14: Clothing Manufacturing
    • 15: Leather and Related Products Manufacturing
    • 31: Furniture Manufacturing
  5. What is the type of support provided under the program?
  6. Performance support is provided to enterprises on a non-refundable basis.

  7. What is the upper limit of support under the program?
    • A monthly support of 2,500 TRY is provided for 30 premium days per employee.
    • The total support upper limit is determined as 7,470,000 TRY over 249 employees.
  8. What is the duration of the program?
  9. The duration of the support program is 12 months and starts on the date the application is approved by the KOSGEB application unit.

  10. Which condition must be met for the enterprise to receive support?
    • The enterprise must maintain the average number of premium days for the last three months of 2024 in 2025. For support payment, the number of premium days in the relevant months must be equal to or greater than this average.
    • If the enterprise is established in the last three months of 2024, the average number of premium days for the last three months of 2024 is calculated by dividing the total number of premium days from the date of establishment of the enterprise until the end of the year by three.
  11. How is the number of premium days calculated?
  12. For the last three months of 2024, the average number of premium days is calculated by dividing the total number of premium days by three. Decimals after the comma are not taken into account.

  13. How to apply for the program?
  14. Businesses/enterprises must fill in the Employment Protection Support Program Application Form between the dates published in the KOSGEB system and approve their applications through the system.

  15. How is the support payment made?
  16. Enterprises request payment by filling out the payment request form through the system. The payment is made by offsetting the SSI and tax debts of the enterprise.

  17. In which cases is the support program terminated?
  18. The support program is terminated in cases such as liquidation, closure, transfer, division or merger with another enterprise.

  19. Is it possible for an enterprise to benefit from the program more than once?
  20. No, each enterprise can benefit from the program only once.

  21. What is the application date of the Support Program?
  22. Applications can be made to the Employment Protection Support Program between January 31 - March 31, 2025.

  23. How are the applications evaluated?
  24. Applications are examined by the responsibles of KOSGEB within 5 days and submitted to the approval of the application unit manager.

  25. Can businesses/enterprises whose applications are rejected reapply?
  26. No, businesses/enterprises whose applications are rejected cannot reapply.

  27. Is it necessary to sign a commitment letter for the support program?
  28. Yes, enterprises must complete their applications by approving the commitment letter through the system.

  29. Is the support repaid if the business is closed or transferred?
  30. No, the support program is terminated, but the support payments made are not claimed back.

  31. What happens if the enterprise fills the payment request incorrectly or incompletely?
  32. Incomplete or incorrect payment requests are rejected by the responsibles and the enterprise can reapply by correcting them.

  33. Does the fact that the enterprise has tax and SSI debts during the support period prevent it from receiving support?
  34. Yes, the business must continue to be a taxpayer and have no overdue debt to KOSGEB.

Detailed information about the support program and the application form can be found on this link (In Turkish).


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About The Author

Ümit Kır

Human Resources Regulation and Audit Director

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The content in this article is for general information purposes only and belongs to CottGroup® member companies. This content does not constitute legal, financial, or technical advice and cannot be quoted without proper attribution.

CottGroup® member companies do not guarantee that the information in the article is accurate, up-to-date, or complete and are not liable for any damages that may arise from errors, omissions, or misunderstandings that the information may contain.

The information presented here is intended to provide a general overview. Each specific case may require different assessments, and this information may not be applicable to every situation. Therefore, before taking any action based on the information provided in the article, it is strongly recommended that you consult a competent professional in the relevant fields such as legal, financial, technical, and other areas of expertise. If you are a CottGroup® client, do not forget to contact your client representative regarding your specific situation. If you are not our client, please seek advice from an appropriate expert.

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