General Communiqué of General Directorate of Accounting (Sequence No: 87) Published

General Communiqué of General Directorate of Accounting (Sequence No: 87) was published in the Official Gazette numbered 32455 on February 9, 2024.
The purpose of the Communiqué is to determine the monetary limits and unit prices to be applied within the scope of the Public Financial Management and Control Law and other legislation.
The relevant Communiqué has published the monetary limits and unit prices in its Annex and the monetary limits are shown in a table.
With the new regulations;
In the Monetary Limits Table:
- Central Government Accounting Regulation
- Regulation on Appointment, Authorities, Audit and Working Procedures and Principles of Accounting Officer Trustees
- Regulation on the Training of Candidate Accounting Officers, Issuance of Certificates and Working Procedures and Principles of Accounting Officers
- Central Government Expenditure Documents Regulation
- Removal of Movable Goods from Records
In the Prepayment Transactions Table:
- Expenditure Authority Trustee Advance Limits
- Special Budget Administrations Advance Limits
- National Intelligence Organisation Advance Limits
- Advance Limits to be given to the Order of Foreign Representative Offices
- Military Department, Gendarmerie General Command, Coast Guard Command and Gendarmerie and Coast Guard Academy Trustee Advances
The tables titled Division and Higher Units and Equivalent Institutions and Organisations, Receivables to be removed from the Accounting Records, Liquidation of Letters of Guarantee of Previous Years and Unit Prices of Receipts regulate the related issues.
The relevant communiqué entered into force on the date of publication.
You can access the Official Gazette regarding the subject matter here. (In Turkish)
Should you have any queries or need further details, please contact your customer representative.