Annual Income Tax Return Obligation for Technopark Employees

Technopark (technology development zone) employees could also be obliged to submit an Annual Income Tax Declaration if certain conditions are met, according to Temporary Article 2 of Law No. 4691.
Provisional Article 2 of Law No. 4691 states the following provision: "Until 31/12/2028, income tax calculated after applying the minimum subsistence discount on the wages of R&D, design and support personnel working in the region related to their duties; would be canceled by deducting from the tax accrued on the monthly withholding declaration to be submitted."
According to the method specified in the mentioned Law, income tax must first be withheld from the wages of the employees. Therefore, these wages are not exempt from income tax and are taken into account in the annual income tax return liability assessment.
Annual Income Tax Declaration liability is evaluated according to the following provisions:
- In case of total income amount of taxpayers, who receive salary income from a single employer, exceeds the amount indicated in the fourth income bracket (1,900,000 TRY for 2023) of the tariff written in the 103rd article,
- In case of total income amount of taxpayers, who receive salary income from more than one employer, exceeds the amount indicated in the fourth income bracket (1,900,000 TRY for 2023), including the income received from primary employer,
- In case of taxpayers', who receives income from more than one employer, total income received from the secondary employers exceeds the amount in the second income segment of the income tax tariff (150,000 TRY for 2023).
For the detailed info, you review our article Annual Tax Declaration Obligation of Employees For 2023.
How to Submit Annual Income Tax Return?
Taxpayers / individuals who have annual income tax return obligations due from their wage incomes or other non-wage incomes / personal investments in 2023 (including R&D and technology development zone employees) can submit their annual income tax returns by using the Pre-filled Tax Return System of the Revenue Administration.
You can reach a detailed info on our article Pre-filled Tax Return System for 2023 Annual Tax Returns.
Annual income tax returns for 2023 income will be submitted to the relevant tax offices in March 2024. (Deadline is 01 April 2024)
Should you have any queries or need further details, please contact your customer representative.