27 Ocak 2022
28 January Data Protection Day

January 28, which is the Convention relating to Protection of Individuals Regarding Automatic Processing of Personal Data (In Turkish) was opened for signature between Türkiye and another 45 countries, has been declared as a Data Protection Day by the Council of Europe.
With Turkish Personal Data Protection Law numbered 6698 ("KVKK") coming into force in 2016 in our country, various concepts regarding data protection have taken place in our domestic legislation and changed our work habits in our daily work of scope routine. Moreover, with the Personal Data Protection Law, the reason personal data has to be protected, how long, and how the personal data has to be protected in our professional lives have also been clarified with the KVKK and the secondary legislation.
Additionally, General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") is the legal act, which became regulation in 2018, having principles and orders parallel with the general principles of KVKK applied in our country and European residents.
It can be understood from the summaries of decisions, guides, and other publications published by the Personal Data Protection Authorities; the importance of taking technical and administrative measures that has to be taken by natural person and legal entities and take for granted data protection increase each passing day.
Many things have changed to be compliant with KVKK and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), especially by firms.
Such as;
- Increasing the sensitivity regarding the privacy and protection of personal data,
- Raising awareness of privacy and security and providing regular training to employers within this scope,
- Ensuring data minimization by minimizing personal data as much as possible,
- Performing the necessary technical and administrative activities for the classification and destruction of data.
Since the significance of personal data protection increases day by day in Türkiye and the whole world, you can initiate your work on KVKK and GDPR compliance without delay no longer for the company should fulfill the requirements.
Should you have any queries or need further details about the KVKK and GDPR compliance, please contact your customer representative.