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Social Security Law and Legislation


New Regulations on Social Security Legislation

New regulations about work-life have come into force with the Law numbered 7316 published in the Official Gazette dated April 22, 2021 and numbered 31462.

You can find below the details about these new regulations:

1) As per the 6th Article; for the workplaces operating in compliance with NACE Rev.2 Classification of Economic Activities under the code 56 and 61.90.05, 85.51.03, 93.11.01, 93.12.07, 93.13.01, 93.19.05, 93.21.01, 93.29.02, 93.29.03, 96.02.01, 96.04.01, 96.04.02 or 96.04.03, the daily pandemic unpaid leave – cash wage support amount would be 50 TL regardless of the start date/hire date.

Yazar Erdoğdu Onur Erol, Kategori Social Security Law and Legislation


Short-term Employment Period was Extended to June 30, 2021

Short-term employment allowance has been extended to June 30, 2021 for the April, May and June periods.

This extension would be applicable for the same employees, who has been on short-term employment in previous months, with the same conditions. There would be no new application.

You can reach the details about employer support payments on short-term employment period via the link.

You can reach the details of short-term employment period via the link.

You can reach the details of short-term employment process via the link.

You can reach the related decision via link. (In Turkish)

Yazar Erdoğdu Onur Erol, Kategori Social Security Law and Legislation


SSI Termination Reason Code Changes

Social Security Institution has published a new Communiqué numbered 2021/9 and canceled the termination code 29 (for the behaviors of the employee against ethic rules) and added new termination codes with that new Communiqué.

The new codes on the Communiqué are as below:

Code-42; "If the employee tricks the employer and gives incorrect information about the employer during the employment contract. (Law No: 4857 Article 25-II-a)

Code-43; If employee speaks of ill or behaves disrespectfully on behalf of the employer or their families (Law No: 4857 Article 25-II-b)

Code-44; If the employee sexually harass another employee. (Law No: 4857 Article 25-II-c)

Yazar Erdoğdu Onur Erol, Kategori Social Security Law and Legislation


SSI Premium Calculation on R&D-Tecnology Regions

Social Security Institution has published a new Communique (No:2021/8) and changed the related part on the Communique 2020/20 about the social security premium calculations of the employees working on R&D or Technology Development areas in line with the related Laws no: 5746 and 4691.

Per that regulation; income tax and stamp tax would be applied for the wages of the R&D employees working in the scope of the Law No 4691. During the calculation of gross and net wages, income tax and stamp tax would be taken into account.

Accordingly, the approach of the gross and net wage calculations would be as below:

Gross Wage: Net Wage + Social Security Premium (Employee Portion) + Unemployment Premium (Employee Portion) + Income Tax + Stamp Tax

Net Wage: Gross Wage - Social Security Premium (Employee Portion) - Unemployment Premium (Employee Portion) - Income Tax - Stamp Tax

Yazar Erdoğdu Onur Erol, Kategori Social Security Law and Legislation, Taxation Law

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