With the Social Security Circular No. 2021/18, the authorities have made some changes on Circular No. 2018/8, which is about the premium supports for employees that benefit from the social aids under the 5th Article of Law No. 3294.
The related changes that have been come into the force with Circular No. 2021/18 is as below:
1- The examples given for the period of benefit have been revised. Per that change;
Example 1: If the employee meets all the criteria stated on the 5th Article of Law No. 3294, and they are employed on 23.07.2016, the employer portion of social security contributions for the period of 2016/July – 2017/June have been paid by the Ministry.
Example 2: If the employee (A) is employed by (Z) limited company & (Y) joint-stock company and is a resident at a home that gets social aids; we assume the hire and termination dates are as below: