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SSI Incentive Will Not Be Applied to Retirees Excluded from the EYT Scope

SSI Incentive Will Not Be Applied to Retirees Excluded from the EYT Scope

According to the general letter dated September 22, 2023, numbered E-83604451-207.02-80971419, published by the Social Security Institution (In Turkish), there has been uncertainty regarding whether individuals who were registered to Social Security Institution before September 8, 1999 and meet the criteria of insurance period, the number of premium payment days, and age conditions can benefit from the 5-point social security premium incentive. It is also mentioned that the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, which funds this incentive, has been consulted to clarify this matter.

In the letter dated September 13, 2023 and numbered 2458737 received from the General Directorate of Public Financial Management and Transformation of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, it was clarified that the purpose of the said premium incentive, as stated in the rationale of the relevant article, is to prevent potential employment loss due to the granting of old-age pensions without considering the age requirement, by the temporary Article 95 added to Law No. 5510 for those who started to work as insured before September 8, 1999. It was explicitly mentioned that the scope of this social security premium incentive is limited to those who are granted old-age pensions by the first paragraph of the same article and that those registered to SSI before September 8, 1999, who meet the age requirement and receive old-age pensions according to the relevant legislation, are not eligible for this incentive.

In conclusion, it was clarified that the 5-point social security premium incentive is limited to those within the scope of EYT who retire regardless of the age requirement, and there is no possibility to benefit from this incentive for those registered to SSI before September 8, 1999, who meet the age requirement and other retirees.

You can access the announcement through this link (In Turkish).

You can access our previous article on the subject titled "How Will the SSI Incentive Be Applied for Retirees Under EYT?" via the link.

Should you have any queries or need further details, please contact your customer representative.

Yazar CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Kategori Social Security Law and Legislation

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