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Calculation of Paid Premium Days

cott-group-semsiyeThe Employer Practice Official SSI Communiqué specifies the default calculation of Premium days as 30 in a calendar month. Regardless of the actual days of the month, employers are required to declare worked days as 30. Effectively, when the total days of the month are 28, 29 or 31, worked days must be entered into the system as 30.

When an employee is transferred to a different workplace of the same employer, or the employer workplace is transferred to a different SSI center, the worked days declaration is to be made as 30 days provided that employment is uninterrupted. The 30 days rule tends to create confusion especially in the month of February. However, employers are advised to apply the rule in all cases where employment is uninterrupted and continuous.

In cases where the employee is transferred to a different workplace of the same employer sans interrruption:
  • There will be two separate declarations for the same month (due to separate workplace registration numbers),

  • The premium days shall be calculated on the basis of 30 days. Hence, in February, the extra day(s) shall be factored in / added to the declaration of the former workplace.

Yazar CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Kategori Social Security Law and Legislation

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