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Activity Code (NACE) Updates

Activity Code (NACE) Updates

With the Communique regarding the occupational health and safety risk classes published in Official Gazette dated 18.03.2022 and numbered 31782, some amendments to activity codes (NACE codes) have been made for the companies as detailed below:

1. The name of activity code 10.89.01 has been amended and psychological consultants has been added to the scope.

2. The below activity codes (NACE codes) have been added to the Occupational Health and Safety Communique:

23.32.02 Chimney pipes and headboards, fireplace and chimney pipes, gutters and fittings, and tiles of kiln-dried non-refractory clay and earthenware, manufacture of construction materials (including ceramic gutters, pipes and fittings) (excluding bricks and tiles) High Danger Risk
23.32.03 Production of bricks and tiles from fired, non-refractory clay and earth Danger Risk
45.32.07 Retail sale of parts of motor vehicles in specialized stores (including trailers and tippers) (excluding tires and glasses, batteries and motorcycle parts and accessories) Low Danger Risk
45.32.08 Retail sale of motor vehicle batteries in specialized stores Low Danger Risk
93.29.11 Activities of electronic sports (e-sports) game centers Low Danger Risk

These amendments would have no effect on the social security premiums, however, could effect to the employment incentives of the companies.

You can reach the relevant SSI General Letter via the link. (In Turkish).

Should you have any queries or need further details, please contact your customer representative.

Yazar Selma Kıy, Kategori Social Security Law and Legislation

  • Notification!

    Contents provided in this article serve to informative purpose only. The article is confidential and property of CottGroup® and all of its affiliated legal entities. Quoting any of the contents without credit being given to the source is strictly prohibited. Regardless of having all the precautions and importance put in the preparation of this article, CottGroup® and its member companies cannot be held liable of the application or interpretation of the information provided. It is strictly advised to consult a professional for the application of the above-mentioned subject.

    For each concrete situation, it is strongly advised to seek guidance from a professional advisor. If you are a customer of ours, please consult with your customer representative before taking any action related to the announcement. If you are not a customer, seek advice from an expert.

About The Author

Selma Kıy

Certified Public Accountant - SMMM

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