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21 Ekim 2024

What is the Trade Registry Gazette? How to Conduct a Trade Registry Gazette Inquiry?
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Yazar Civan Güneş, Kategori Work Life

What is the Trade Registry Gazette? How to Conduct a Trade Registry Gazette Inquiry?

Transparency and trust are crucial in commercial life. For companies to maintain their legal existence, certain commercial activities and legal changes in their commercial information must be officially documented and announced. The Trade Registry Gazette is an official publication in Türkiye that ensures the public announcement of processes such as the establishment, amendments, and liquidation of all companies registered with the Trade Registry. The commercial transactions of joint stock, limited, partnership, collective, and sole proprietorship companies operating in Türkiye gain legal status by being published in the Trade Registry Gazette. This process is mandated to publicly disclose the information registered with the trade registry.

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Published by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB), this gazette is used to record the legal existence and transactions of companies in accordance with Article 35 of the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102. The information published in the Trade Registry Gazette serves as an important reference for commercial courts, investors, and other relevant parties.

What is the Trade Registry Gazette?

The Trade Registry Gazette is a platform that publicly announces the commercial transactions and significant changes of companies. According to legal regulations, companies registered in Türkiye's trade registry are required to publish their transactions in this gazette to formally declare them. The information published in the gazette serves as legal documentation of the company's commercial existence. Issued by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) on non-holiday business days, the Trade Registry Gazette helps maintain transparency in the commercial world and ensures that information that must be made public reaches third parties.

Functions of the Trade Registry Gazette:

  • Establishment procedures: For companies to commence their commercial activities, their establishment information must be officially announced.
  • Capital increase or decrease: Changes made to a company's capital are published in the Trade Registry Gazette.
  • Name changes: Announcing changes to a company’s name is mandatory.
  • Board of directors' appointments: Significant changes in a company’s management are publicly declared.
  • Bankruptcy and concordat processes: Important information regarding the financial status of companies is published during these processes.
  • Address changes: Updated information about the legal addresses of companies is published.
  • Appointment of Managers and Their Authority: The authority forms of managers officially designated by companies are published to inform third parties.

How to Conduct a Trade Registry Gazette Inquiry?

Inquiring about announcements published in the Trade Registry Gazette is a simple process. You can easily access the official website and perform a search. Additionally, inquiries can be made through the e-Government portal (e-Devlet).

Steps for Conducting a Trade Registry Gazette Inquiry:

  1. Access the official website: Visit the Turkish Trade Registry Gazette’s website.
  2. Define search criteria: Enter information such as the company name, trade registry number, or publication date.
  3. View the results: The relevant announcements matching your search criteria will be displayed.
  4. Download as PDF: You can download and print the desired announcement in PDF format.

Inquiring Through e-Government:

By logging into the e-Government platform, you can easily access the Trade Registry Gazette. After typing "Trade Registry Gazette" in the search bar, you can perform an inquiry using the company’s trade registry number or name.

What is the Validity Period of the Trade Registry Gazette?

The announcements published in the Trade Registry Gazette are generally valid indefinitely and are continuously archived. However, different validity rules may apply depending on the type of announcement. In particular, commercial registration announcements gain official validity as a record of certain transactions, and in some cases, the same announcement cannot be registered by another person or company for five years. These periods may vary depending on the legal basis and content of the announcements. The announcements published in the Trade Registry Gazette are archived to be used as evidence in commercial courts, legal proceedings, or commercial disputes, and can be revisited and examined when necessary. In this context, the announcements retain their legal value and validity beyond their publication period.

How to Publish an Announcement in the Trade Registry Gazette?

Publishing an announcement in the Trade Registry Gazette is done through the Trade Registry Office. In this process, companies prepare the necessary documents to officially announce certain commercial transactions and submit an application to the Trade Registry Gazette. The announcement process consists of the following steps:

Steps for Publishing an Announcement in the Trade Registry Gazette:

  1. Apply to the Trade Registry Office: Visit the Trade Registry Office of the province where your company is located and submit your application.
  2. Prepare the necessary documents: Complete the required documents, which vary depending on the type of announcement. For example, commercial documents such as the board of directors' resolution or capital increase documents must be prepared.
  3. Complete the application process: Submit your application to the Trade Registry Office with the prepared documents, pay the announcement fees, and wait for the necessary checks.
  4. Wait for the announcement to be published: Once the announcement is approved by the registry office, it will be published in the Trade Registry Gazette and will gain official status.

The most important point to consider during this process is to ensure that the documents are prepared completely and accurately. Otherwise, the announcement process may be delayed, leading to potential setbacks.

*As of July 1, 2020, announcements transmitted electronically through the MERSIS system by the trade registry offices are published within two hours.

Which Types of Companies Are Required to Publish in the Trade Registry Gazette?

The Trade Registry Gazette is a legal requirement for all companies registered in Türkiye. These types of companies include:

  • Joint stock companies: Transactions such as establishment, capital increase, and management changes are published in the Trade Registry Gazette.
  • Limited companies: All commercial transactions of limited companies are also announced in the gazette.
  • Collective and Commandite companies: These types of companies are required to publish all commercial decisions in the Trade Registry Gazette, as per legal obligations.
  • Cooperatives
  • Registered Sole Proprietorships

The commercial activities of these company types gain official status once published in the Trade Registry Gazette. This ensures the validation and public announcement of commercial transactions.

How Much Are the Trade Registry Gazette Announcement Fees in 2025?

The fees for publishing an announcement in the Trade Registry Gazette are updated annually by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB). The costs vary based on the type and length of the announcement. The criteria taken into consideration when determining fees include:

  • Length of the announcement: The space the announcement occupies on the page affects the pricing.
  • Type of announcement: Transactions such as brief name changes or capital increases are charged differently.
  • Complexity of the announcement: More complex and lengthy announcements are subject to higher fees.

Trade Registry Gazette Announcement Fees (2025)

Type of Announcement Fee
Company Announcements (per word) 4,25 TRY
Company Establishment Announcements (per word) 1,91 TRY
Cooperative Announcements (per word) 2,19 TRY
Cooperative Establishment Announcements (per word) 1,37 TRY
Women/Disabled Entrepreneurship Cooperatives Announcements (Establishment and Others) Free
Real Person Starting Business Announcements (Fixed) 545,00 TRY
Companies and Real Persons Established with the Investment-Based Entrepreneurship Support Program (per word) 0,01 TRY
Business Abandonment, Ex-officio Registration, and Correction Announcements Free

How to Subscribe to the Trade Registry Gazette?

Those who wish to subscribe to the Trade Registry Gazette can do so via the official website. Subscriptions are typically preferred by companies and law firms as they provide continuous access to trade registry announcements. During the subscription process, user information, company details, and the type of subscription (individual or corporate) are specified. A subscription allows companies to quickly and easily access trade registry announcements and can also be used for transactions in the digital environment. Subscribing to the Turkish Trade Registry Gazette is paid, and the fees vary based on different subscription levels. Click here for more detailed information.

How Long Does it Take for Announcements to be Published in the Trade Registry Gazette?

Announcements submitted to the Directorate of the Turkish Trade Registry Gazette by trade registry offices must, as required by law, be published within 10 (ten) days from the date of receipt. As a result of digital transformation, announcements submitted in physical form are published the next business day, while those transmitted electronically by trade registry offices via the MERSİS system are published within two hours.

Should you have any queries or need further details, please contact us.


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About The Author

Civan Güneş

Digital Marketing Specialist

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