VAT Rates in Education Services Are Decreased From 8% to 1%

With the Presidential Decree No. 2913 dated 29/08/2020, which was published on the Official Gazette No. 31229 on 30/8/2020, Decision on Determination of Value Added Tax to be applied to Goods and Services have been amended.
Within the scope of the related decision; VAT rates of education services provided by foundation universities and academies, private educational institutions, institutions which conduct remote education, private education courses, vocational education and rehabilitation centers, social activity centers and similar educational institutions have been decreased from 8% to 1% between the dates of 01 September 2020 – 30 June 2021 (related dates are included).
Since the decision taken does not include the student transportation services provided within the scope of the "School Bus Service Regulation" and the services provided in the dormitories subject to the provisions of the "Private Student Dormitories Regulation", the VAT application applied at 8% for the related services will continue.
Related decree can be accessed from here.
For further details, please contact your Customer Representative.