Regulation on Amendments to the Regulation on Special Procedures and Principles Regarding Work Conducted with Workers in Shifts

With the amendment published in the Official Gazette dated June 29, 2024 and numbered 32587, the scope of work that can be done in two shifts within 24 hours and the scope of work that can be done at night in the Regulation on Special Procedures and Principles Regarding Work Conducted with Workers in Shifts, Articles 4 and 7 have been expanded.
Amendments Made:
- Petroleum Research, Exploration, and Drilling Activities:
- Working Areas:
- The expression "work conducted in the tourism service" has been changed to "work conducted within the scope of tourism service",
- The expression "work conducted in the private security service" has been changed to "work conducted within the scope of private security service",
- The expression "work conducted in the health service" has been changed to "work conducted within the scope of health service".
- Additionally, work conducted within the scope of petroleum research, exploration, and drilling activities has been regulated to include workers employed in workplaces conducting petroleum research, exploration, and drilling activities under the Turkish Petroleum Law dated May 30, 2013 and numbered 6491, as well as workers employed by subcontractors in these workplaces.
In subparagraph (a) of the first paragraph of Article 4 of the Regulation, work conducted within the scope of petroleum research, exploration, and drilling activities has been included in the scope of work that can be done in two shifts within 24 hours and work that can be done at night for more than seven and a half hours.
The expressions in various subparagraphs of the first paragraph of Article 7 of the Regulation have been updated to clarify the scope of work and workplaces that fall under exceptions:
These amendments came into effect as of June 29, 2024, the date they were published in the Official Gazette.
You can access the Official Gazette related to this issue here (In Turkish).
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