OHS Obligation Of Workplaces With Less Than 50 Employees

According to the Occupational Health and Safety Law No. 6331 Article 38, the obligation to receive OHS Services begins on 1/7/2020 for the workplaces with less than 50 employees and in the less dangerous class.
Article 38 of the Law No. 6331 is as follows:
ARTICLE 38 - This Law;
a) Articles 6 and 7;
1) On 1/7/2020 for public institutions other than those employed within the scope of Article 81 of the Labor Law No: 4857 and the workplaces with less than 50 employees and in the less dangerous class,
2) For workplaces in the dangerous and very dangerous class with fewer than 50 employees, on 1/1/2014,
3) For the other workplaces, six months after its publication date,
b) For the Articles 9, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36 and 38, as well as temporary 4, temporary 5, temporary 6, temporary 7 and temporary 8th articles, on the publication date
c) For the other Articles, six months after the publication date,
comes into force.
You can access the relevant legislation via the link (in Turkish).