New Regulations on Social Security Legislation

New regulations about work-life have come into force with the Law numbered 7316 published in the Official Gazette dated April 22, 2021 and numbered 31462.
You can find below the details about these new regulations:
1) As per the 6th Article; for the workplaces operating in compliance with NACE Rev.2 Classification of Economic Activities under the code 56 and 61.90.05, 85.51.03, 93.11.01, 93.12.07, 93.13.01, 93.19.05, 93.21.01, 93.29.02, 93.29.03, 96.02.01, 96.04.01, 96.04.02 or 96.04.03, the daily pandemic unpaid leave – cash wage support amount would be 50 TL regardless of the start date/hire date.
2) As per the 7th Article; for the workplaces operating in compliance with NACE Rev.2 Classification of Economic Activity under the code 56 and 61.90.05, 85.51.03, 93.11.01, 93.12.07, 93.13.01, 93.19.05, 93.21.01, 93.29.02, 93.29.03, 96.02.01, 96.04.01, 96.04.02 or 96.04.03, the employee & employer social security premium portion calculated over the minimum wage (3.577,50 TL) will be deducted on the merged tax & social security declaration. This would be applicable to the employees who work during this period and whose premiums are declared on the declaration form.
3) As per the 9th Article; temporary incapacity payment would be calculated with the rules given below:
- The average of social security base amounts on the last 3 months within the last 12 months period would be taken into account for daily allowance calculation on work accident and occupational illness cases.
- The average of social security base amounts on the last 12 months period would be taken into account for daily allowance calculation on illness and maternity cases.
- If you have fewer premium days than 180 days on short-term insurance types, the daily allowance would not be higher than two times the daily minimum wage.
4) As per the 10th Article; retrospective application for the social security incentives, supports, discounts have been abolished and would be applicable as of May 1, 2021.
You can reach the related regulation via the link. (In Turkish).
Should you have any queries or need further details, please contact your customer representative.