Associations’ Submission Periods of Declarations and Notifications Have Been Extended

Covid-19 outbreak has been announced as a pandemic on 11 March 2020 by the World Health Organization, as it affected the globe and our country negatively. Within this scope, several decisions were taken in order to prevent aggrievements.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs’ letter no. 2612, published on 03.04.2020, concludes that in order to prevent associations from aggrievements with submission process of declarations and notifications, related submission periods are to be extended until 1 August 2020, instead of the end of April.
According to the Associations Law no. 5253, Associations are liable to submit their activities, and outcomes of income and expenditure transactions to the administrative authority, every year until the end of April. With the decision of Ministry, submission periods of association declarations and other notifications have been extended until 1 August 2020.
Related Ministry announcement can be accessed from here.
For further details, please contact your customer representative.