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29 Mart 2024

Solution Proposal for a 9-Day Holiday: Compensation Work Application

Kategori Work Life

Solution Proposal for a 9-Day Holiday: Compensation Work Application

As known, in Article 47 of the Labor Law No. 4857, it is regulated that employees working in workplaces covered by the Law, if they do not work on days recognized as national holidays and general holiday days by laws, will be paid the full wages of that day without any work in return; if they work without taking a holiday, they will be paid an additional day's wage for each day worked. Accordingly, employees will receive full payment for the days they choose not to work and instead take holidays on national and general holiday days.

08 Mart 2024

Gender Equality in the Perspective of Turkish Labour Law

Kategori Work Life

Gender Equality in the Perspective of Turkish Labour Law

Although the active role of women in working life and employment rates have been increasing in recent years, it is extremely important to prevent the problems experienced by women employees due to women's responsibilities in family life and some physical requirements. As a matter of fact, with sociocultural and technological developments as well as economic changes, it is of critical importance that women employees are not discriminated against due to their active role in business life and that women's health and safety is not interrupted. It should be noted that which is a guide due to the hierarchy of norms Article 50 of The Constitution of the Republic of Turkey ('Constitution'),

15 Şubat 2024

Disputed Situations in the Notification of Premium Payment Days

Kategori Work Life

Disputed Situations in the Notification of Premium Payment Days

The number of premium payment days and the corresponding wage notifications are among the most confused issues in working life. While the base earnings for premiums fall under the relevant area of Social Security Law, the issue of wages to be paid in return for work is a subject of Labor Law. Therefore, a conclusion must be reached by considering both disciplines together. This study was evaluated by following the said method.

21 Mart 2024

What is Disability Retirement? What are the Conditions for Disability Retirement?

Kategori Work Life

What is Disability Retirement? What are the Conditions for Disability Retirement?

Disability retirement, known in the legislation as disability pension, is a social security right available to individuals who become unable to work due to certain health issues. In Türkiye, this right is regulated by the Social Security Institution (SSI) and aims to help individuals maintain their quality of life. This article will thoroughly discuss disability retirement, who can benefit from disability retirement rights, and the conditions for applying for disability retirement.

23 Şubat 2024

Embracing Efficiency in HR: The Inspiration from #lazygirljobs

Kategori Work Life, Technology

Embracing Efficiency in HR: The Inspiration from #lazygirljobs

In the fast-paced HR world, where complexity meets necessity, the viral trend of #lazygirljobs offers a refreshing perspective. It emphasizes efficiency over exertion, advocating for smarter, streamlined work methodologies. At CottGroup®, we're inspired by this movement to revolutionize HR and payroll systems, making them more efficient and user-friendly for professionals across various industries, including manufacturing, IT, healthcare, education, and retail.

31 Ocak 2024

What is Job Seeking Leave? Calculation of Job Seeking Leave

Kategori Work Life

What is Job Seeking Leave? Calculation of Job Seeking Leave

What is Job Seeking Leave?

Job seeking leave is a type of leave that an employee can use in the process of finding a new job before leaving their current job. This leave allows the employee to focus on job search activities and evaluate potential job opportunities. This right, which is provided to the employee to use within the notice period and on working days, is called "job seeking leave". Pursuant to Article 17 of the Labor Law No. 4857, in the event that the employee or the employer terminates the indefinite-term employment contract by giving a notice period, the employee must be given permission to search for a new job pursuant to Article 27 of the Labor Law. Article 27 defines the title "New Job Seeking Permission" as follows:

"Within the notice periods, the employer is obliged to give the employee the necessary job seeking leave to find a new job during working hours and without deduction of wages. The duration of the job seeking leave cannot be less than two hours a day and if the employee wishes, he/she may combine the hours of job seeking leave and use them collectively. However, the employee who wants to use the job seeking leave collectively must coincide it with the days before the day he/she will leave the job and notify the employer of this situation. If the employer does not grant the new job seeking leave or makes it incomplete, the wage for that period shall be paid to the worker. If the employer employs the worker during the job seeking leave, in addition to the wage that the worker will receive without any work by using the leave, he shall pay the wage for the period of employment with a one hundred percent increase."

15 Mart 2024

What is a Work Permit? How to Obtain a Work Permit in Türkiye?

Kategori Work Life

What is a Work Permit? How to Obtain a Foreign Work Permit in Türkiye?

Türkiye has become an attractive destination for many foreign workers due to its cultural richness, strategic location, and economic opportunities. However, foreigners wishing to work in Türkiye must be knowledgeable about several details regarding work permits. So, what is a work permit, and how does the process of obtaining work permit in Türkiye?

21 Şubat 2024

Intermediate Rest Break Periods and Implementation Principles under the Labor Law

Kategori Work Life

Intermediate Rest Break Periods and Implementation Principles under the Labor Law

The purpose of the Labor Law No. 4857 is explained in the first article as "to regulate the working conditions and work-related rights and obligations of employers and employees working under an employment contract". In line with this purpose, the law has set forth many provisions. One of the rights regulated by the Law is the right to rest break, which is included in Chapter 4 of the Law titled "Organization of Work". Here, the rest period to be used by employees during working hours is regulated. Rest break is a legal right that employees use during working hours. Article 68 entitled "rest breaks" regulating this right is as follows:

19 Ocak 2024

What is a Personnel File? How to Prepare a Personnel File?

Kategori Work Life

What is a Personnel File? How to Prepare a Personnel File?

In business life, the organization and functioning of the relations between the employer and the employee are subject to certain rules within the framework of the Labor Law. The personnel file, which is a part of these rules, is a critical tool to protect the rights of the employer and employee, to ensure compliance with legal regulations and to manage labor relations in an orderly manner.

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