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Taxation Law


Corporate Tax Deduction in Case of Cash Capital Increase

The issue of deduction in case of capital increase is given in detail in the "Communique (Serial No. 9) on the Amendment to the General Communique of Corporate Tax" issued by the Ministry of Finance (Revenue Administration) and published on the official gazette dated March 4, 2016.

Yazar CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Kategori Taxation Law


Income Tax Exemption for Young Entrepreneurs

Income tax exemption has been introduced for the young entrepreneurs by the "Law on Amendment of Income Tax Law and Certain Other Laws" published in the official Gazette dated 10.02.2016.


Yazar CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Kategori Taxation Law


Exchange Rate Valuation for 2015

Tax Procedure Law General Communique related to 2015 exchange rate valuation for foreign currencies which don’t have market value in the stock market has been published official gazette numbered 29616 on 06.02.2016. Exchange rate valuations are as below. You can view the detail of communique for unstated currencies.

Yazar CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Kategori Taxation Law


Insurance Premium Support Stipulated By The Interim Article 15 of Law No 4447


SSI Circular no 2016/01 was issued regarding to the Insurance Premium Support stipulated by the Interim Article 15 of Law No 4447.

The Circular sets forth; the procedures and principles regarding to the enforcement of Article 28 of Law No 6645 published in the Official Gazette No 29335 dated 23/4/2015 and Interim Article 15 of Law No 4447 on Unemployment Insurance.

Yazar CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Kategori Taxation Law

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