The new additions were made to the Law numbered 2872 through the Environmental Law and 8th clause of Law on Making Amendments in Certain Laws, which were published in the Official Gazette numbered 30621 on 10.12.2018. With the legislation, liability of collecting plastic bag fees and declaration of plastic bags has emerged.
Recycling shares will be collected from selling points regarding use of plastic bags for certain products juxtaposed in the list attached to the related Law and numbered as (1); or from exporters and releasers of certain products in accordance with amounts which are stated in the list. Recycling shares will be declared to the Ministry, until the 15th day of the following month of the product release date. Until the last day of the following 2nd month of the declaration, shares are required to be paid to account of Ministry’s Central Accounting Directorate. Declared in due course of time, but unpaid recycling shares will be tracked and collected by the tax office in accordance with clauses of Law on Collection Procedure of Assets numbered 6183.