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Taxation Law


Amendments Made in Electronic Ledger Application

With the Communiqué on the Amendment to the E-ledger General Communiqué Row No:1 (Serial No:5) published in the Official Gazette dated November 8, 2024 and numbered 32716, income and corporate taxpayers who keep their books according to the balance sheet basis are obliged to be subject to e-ledger application as of January 1, 2025.

Yazar Erdem Duman, Kategori Taxation Law


Withholding Rates for Interest on Deposits Redetermined

According to the Presidential Decree No. 9075 published in the Official Gazette on November 1, 2024 and numbered 32709, the income tax rates calculated on interest earned from Turkish Lira Deposit Accounts and dividends paid by Participation Banks have been redetermined.

The following withholding tax rates will be applied to interest and dividends to be paid to accounts opened or renewed between 1 November 2024 and 31 January 2025:

Yazar Erdem Duman, Kategori Taxation Law


Debit and Credit Card Obligation for Payments Exceeding 7,000 TRY for Non-Taxpayers

According to the regulation made with the General Communiqué on Tax Procedure Law (Serial No: 572) published in the Official Gazette dated October 18, 2024 and numbered 32696, it is obligatory for non-taxpayers to make all kinds of collections and payments exceeding 7,000 TRY through financial institutions and to certify these collections and payments with documents issued by such institutions.

Yazar Selma Kıy, Kategori Taxation Law


Obligation to Obtain Electronic Notification Address for the First Acquisition of Passenger Cars

With the amendment made in the Tax Procedure Law General Communiqué (Serial No: 568) published in the Official Gazette dated September 25, 2024 and numbered 32673 and the Tax Procedure Law General Communiqué No: 456; it has been made compulsory for real person and legal entity buyers to obtain an electronic notification address for the first acquisition of the goods included in the list (II) attached to the Special Consumption Tax Law No: 4760, which are subject to registration.

Yazar Selma Kıy, Kategori Taxation Law

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