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Labor Law


The Resolution Related To Increase The Incomes of The Unemployment Insurance Fund

cott-group-semsiyeThe Decision regarding the raising of the Rate to be used for purposes set out Subclause 7 of the Unemployment Insurance Law No. 4447 Incomes of Unemployment Insurance Fund

With subclause 7, clause 48 and Law No.4447 It has been stated that the Council of Ministers has the jurisdiction to have this rate raised to 50%, whereas the purpose of use has been determined for the 30% of the premium revenues accumulated in the Unemployment Insurance Fund.

Yazar CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Kategori Social Security Law and Legislation, Labor Law


On the job training Incentive to employers by Turkish Employment Agency

Being unable to procure qualified laborforce is one of the most common situations in our country. The same matter also applies to newly graduated college students, who are considered in the qualified workforce but inexperienced in business life. Employers are of course looking for experienced personnel, however newly graduated and highly qualified workforce can only gain job experience during work.

The government provides new incentives to cope with this matter, to achieve countrywide effectiveness and most importantly to lower the cost of labor by publishing this issue in the official gazette numbered 29335 and dated 23rd April 2015. One of the most important incentives that all employers can benefit is On the Job Training Programme.

Yazar Selma Kıy, Kategori Labor Law


Income Tax Exempted Severance Pay

cott-group-semsiyeAccording to the Cabinet Decision numbered 2015/8057 published in the official gazette numbered 29458 on 27.08.2015;

Retirement benefits will be taken into account in the calculation of Maximum Severance Pay as affective from 1st of September 2015. The following values have been calculated taking these coefficients into account, and shall be applied for the period between the dates of 01.09.2015-31.12.2015;

Yazar CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Kategori Labor Law


Disabled Employment

According to the first paragraph of the Article 30 of Labor Law Number 4857; the private sector employers, who employ fifty or more employees within the borders of same province, are liable to employ disabled personnel at least at a ratio of 3% in positions appropriate for them according to their occupations and physical and mental conditions.

According to the Article 30 of Law Number 4857; in determining the liability to employ disabled personnel and in determining the number of disabled personnel to employ in the case of the existence of such liability:

  • When calculating the number of personnel employed within the same province, all of the employed workers are taken into consideration, regardless of their employment being definite or indefinite term.
  • If some employees amongst the personnel are employed for part time work, the work period of these personnel working with part-time contract are changed into full-time period.
  • The sum of number of days that the part-time workers are paid in the relevant month is divided by 30 and this amount is added to the number of full-time workers. In case this amount, which is found after being divided by 30, is a fractional number, the fractions up to the half are not considered, but the halves and the fractions above the halves are rounded off to a whole number.

Yazar CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Kategori Labor Law

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