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Taxation Law


The Written Notices Made to the Virtual Offices

European side of Istanbul PTT (Post, Telegraph, Telephone) General Directorate - Posta ve Telgraf Teşkilat A.Ş. has been sharing an announcement with the institutions that provides virtual office service that is subjected as “the notices made to the virtual offices” and numbered 49595059-103.99-E.63745 with the date of 13.12.2018.

There may be some troubles in the distribution of notices to the companies in the virtual offices of which provides various office services through renting an office by more than one individual or legal entities.

Yazar CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Selma Kıy, Kategori Taxation Law


2019 1st Period - Maximum Severance Payment Amount Has Been Declared

According to the 27998389 - numbered Circular published by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance on 08.01.2019 with the subject ‘Financial and Social Rights’, the coefficients used to calculate the wage of a public officers have been revised effective 01.01.2019.

Details on the above-mentioned subject are outlined below.

Yazar Selma Kıy, Kategori Taxation Law, Labor Law


Additional Duration Opportunity for Re-Adjustment

The “General Communique of the Law no. 7143 on Re-adjustment of Taxes and Some Other Debts” (the “Communique”) has published by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance (the Directorate of Revenue Administration) on 05.01.2019 dated Official Gazette. Herein this Communique has determined the procedure and principles of time extension for two months that is given for the re-adjustment.

According to this, the debtors who could not make their payments until 28 December 2018 and lost the right to apply for re-adjustment, shall benefit from the re-adjustment by making related payments with late payment interest until 28 February 2019.

Yazar CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Kategori Taxation Law


The Default Interest Rate Is Determined for 2019

As is known, the default interest rate announced every January by the T.R. Central Bank has been applied in case there is no default interest rate is determined in a contract or related clause is invalid regarding the good or service supply, according to the clause 7 of the Art. 1530 of the Turkish Commercial Code.

Yazar CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Kategori Taxation Law, Turkish Commercial Code

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