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Taxation Law


2018 Closing Ratifications of General Journals

As it is clearly indicated in the 64th article of Turkish Commercial Code numbered 6102; every merchant is liable to keep commercial journals, and expose commercial transactions, financial and fiscal status of the commercial enterprise, debt and credit relations and outcomes obtained in every accounting period in accordance with the related Law.

Yazar Selma Kıy, Kategori Taxation Law


Special Consumption Tax (OTV) for Junk Vehicles Has Been Increased

Law No. 7176 published in the Official Gazette dated 12/06/2019 and numbered 30799, some amendments have been made to the Law on Revolving Funds numbered 2252, Law No. 7103 and Law No. 6001 on the Services of the General Directorate of Highways.

Yazar Selma Kıy, Kategori Taxation Law


Confidentiality Clauses on the New Processes for the SSI Declarations

Ministry of Treasury and Finance – Revenue Administration has announced a draft circular note numbered VUK-117/2019-7, on the merging of the SSI Monthly Premium Declarations and the Withholding Tax Declarations.

Yazar Selma Kıy, Kategori Social Security Law and Legislation, Taxation Law


New Term on Secure Mobile Payment & E- Document Management System Financial Documents

With the Tax Procedure Law (VUK) General Communique Numbered 507 published in the Official Gazette dated 01.06.2019 and numbered 30791, arrangements were made on “Secure Mobile Payment and Electronic Document Management System”.

Yazar Selma Kıy, Kategori Taxation Law

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