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Taxation Law


Deadline of Annual Operating Statement is 05.05.2022

According to the 2nd Article of Industrial Registry Law No. 6948 (In Turkish), industrial businesses must be registered to industrial registry and receive a registration certificate.

Companies, which have industrial registry certificate, are required to declare their "Annual Operating Statements" within the first four months of every year.

Annual operating statements shall be submitted on The Ministry of Industry and Technology's website (In Turkish), from the section "Industrial Registry Information System", which can be found under the "E-Services" menu.

Yazar Selma Kıy, Kategori Taxation Law


New Amendments with the Omnibus Tax Law

A new Omnibus Law has been published with the Official Gazette numbered 31810 and dated 15.04.2022.

With that new Law, some amendments have been made on Income Tax Law, Corporate Tax Law and VAT.

You can review the details about these amendments on below:

Yazar Selma Kıy, Kategori Taxation Law


Amendments on the Turkish Currency Value Protection Communique

Amendments have been made on the Turkish Currency Value Protection Communique with a Communique no: 2022-32/66 published on the Official Gazette numbered 31814 and dated 19.04.2022.

Per that amendment, the movable asset sale contracts (except vehicle sales contracts) between the resident individuals in Türkiye can be done in foreign currency or indexed to foreign currency. However, it is obligatory to fulfill and accept the contractual payment obligations in Turkish currency.

You can reach the relevant Official Gazette via that link. (In Turkish).

Yazar Erdoğdu Onur Erol, Kategori Taxation Law


VAT Rates for Some Goods and Services Delivery Updated

With the Presidential Decision numbered 5359 published in the Official Gazette dated March 29, 2022 and numbered 31793, some amendments have been made on VAT rates in the lists I and II, effective as of April 1, 2022.

The amendments can be listed below:

Yazar Selma Kıy, Kategori Taxation Law

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