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Turkish Commercial Code


Amendment on Commercial Advertisements and Unfair Commercial Practices

The Communiqué on Commercial Advertising and Unfair Commercial Practices Regulation for the consumer (“Regulation”) has been published in the Official Gazette numbered 31737 and dated 01.02.2022.

The issues regulated by the Regulation are as follows:

1. Personalized Price Description

A “personalized price” description has been defined with the Regulation.

In this context, the personalized price offered by analyzing the purchasing behavior and other personal data of the consumer and the current sales price of the product will be displayed to the consumer in the same area.

2. Discount Sale Prices

To determine the sales price of the goods or service offered for sale before the discount, the lowest price applied within thirty days before the discount will be taken as a basis. The burden of proof on this matter will belong to the advertiser.

3. Advertisements Regarding Financial Services

In advertisements where the goods or services are offered for sale with a tied credit; details such as the credit period, the interest rate, the monthly and percentage value of the total cost to the consumer, and the reimbursement conditions will be made accessible to the consumer, in the area where the advertisement is published or on a separate website including a warning sign, in an area where the consumer can get detailed information easily.

4. Sorting Practices

In case of sorting by comparing certain features of the goods or services offered for sale on the internet, such as price and quality, information about principles of the sorting will be available to the consumer with a warning sign in the same or a separate website, where can be accessible by the consumer for detailed information easily.

Author CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Category Turkish Commercial Code


Turkish Central Banks Sets Default Interest Rate

With the Communiqué published by the Central Bank of the Republic of Türkiye in the Official Gazette dated 02.01.2022 and numbered 31707, the default interest rate and the minimum compensatory amount to be applied in late payments is determined.

According to the Communiqué, the annual default interest rate is 17,25 and the minimum compensatory amount is 555.00 TRY.

Author CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Category Turkish Commercial Code


Amendment to the Regulation on Associations

Regulation Amending the Regulation on Associations ("Regulation") is published in the Official Gazette numbered 31635 and dated 21.10.2021.

With the Regulation, it is possible to hold the general assembly and board of directors’ meetings of associations electronically, and some critical changes are made about risk analysis and auditing of associations.

Author CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Category Turkish Commercial Code


Have You Completed Your IYS Registration?

There are certain periods and deadlines stipulated in the Law on Regulation of Electronic Commerce no 6563 (E-commercial Law) for Message Management System (IYS) registration according to the official announcement made by the Ministry of Trade on 30.11.2020. According to the official announcement, for service providers with commercial electronic message approvals of over 150 thousand, the deadline of submitting confirmations has been postponed to 31 December 2020; for service providers with commercial electronic message approvals of 150 thousand or less, the deadline for submitting confirmations has been postponed to 31 May 2021. The deadlines which were determined with the announcement is not postponed and the deadline for registration has been finalized hereof.

Author CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Category Turkish Commercial Code

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