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Turkish Commercial Code


Amendment Made in the Support Program for Investments in Technological Products

Regulation Amending to the Regulation on the Technological Product Investment Support Program ("Regulation") (In Turkish) has been published in the Official Gazette dated 22 March 2022 and numbered 31786 by the Ministry of Industry and Technology. The purpose of the Regulation is to increase government support for technological investments. Assessment Commission ("Commission") will evaluate and decide support appeal.

The highlights of the Regulation are briefly as follows:

Author CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Category Turkish Commercial Code


Amendment to the Regulation on the Jewelry Trade

What Does Regulation on the Jewelry Trade Regulate?

Jewelry trading activities of legal entity or natural person merchants, artisans and craftsmans; procedures and principles about granting, renewing and cancelling of the competence certificate; principles, rules and obligations regarding the jewelry trade; the duties, authorities and responsibilities of the Ministry of Trade, authorized administrations and other relevant institutions and organizations regarding the jewelry trade has been arranged in the Regulation.

What are the Innovations Made at the Regulation Amendmenting to the Regulation on the Jewelry Trade?

Author CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Category Turkish Commercial Code


Price Increase in Departure Fee

The amount of fees collected from passengers departing abroad has been increased from 50 TRY to 150 TRY with The Presidential Decision on the Redetermination of the Amount of Departure Fee No. 5307 published in the Official Gazette (In Turkish) dated 18.03.2022 and numbered 31782.

What is Departure Fee?

Departure fee is mandatory fee for all Turkish citizens who is travelling abroad with a Turkish passport.

Author CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Category Turkish Commercial Code


Amendments on the Customs Law

With the Presidential Decision No. 5303 (In Turkish) published in the Official Gazette dated 15.03.2022 and numbered 31779, amendments were made to the Customs Law. With the amendments;

Along with the changes, tax rates have been adjusted for online shopping,

  • For non-commercial purchases under 150 Euros and drugs purchases that under 1.500 Euros made by natural persons;
    • 18% if the goods come from the European Union,
    • If the purchased goods comes from other countries (such as India, China etc.), it will be subject to 30% tax rate.
  • Legal entities will also be subject to the same tax rates for purchases under 22 Euros.
  • Items that are more than gifts brought by international passengers on their return will also be subject to the same tax rate.
  • In addition, the applicable tax rate will be 0% for books or similar printed publications for individual use, the value of which does not exceed 1.500 Euro.

Author CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Category Turkish Commercial Code

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