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Legislation - CottGroup Holistic Business Services


2024 Annual Income Tax Declaration Deadline was Postponed

The submission deadline for the Annual Income Tax Declarations for the 2024 calendar year, which was originally due by the end of April 2, 2025, has been extended, along with the payment deadlines for the taxes assessed based on these returns.

According to the circular issued by the Revenue Administration on March 27, 2025:

Author Ümit Kır, Category Taxation Law


The Circular on Transactions to be Carried Out by the SSI Regarding Minimum Wage Support Has Been Published

As it is known, with the addition of temporary Article 109 to the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law No. 5510, the minimum wage support to be provided to employers in 2025 was regulated.

You can access our publication on the subject here.

Regarding the minimum wage support to be provided in 2025, the Social Security Institution has published Circular No. 2025/9 dated March 13, 2025, outlining the procedures to be carried out.

Author Ümit Kır, Category Social Security Law and Legislation


Who Should File an Annual Income Tax Return for the Wage Income of 2024?

Employees who are obliged to submit annual income tax returns for 2024 tax year wages or other non-wage income (including employees working in R&D centers and technology development zones) can submit their declarations between March 1 - April 2, 2025 using the online declaration system of the Revenue Administration.

Employees can have annual income tax return obligations for their wage income under certain conditions.

Author Erdoğdu Onur Erol, Category Taxation Law


Mediation and Court Decisions Will Allow Changes to the SSI Termination Code

With Circular No. 2025/8 issued by the Social Security Institution on March 11, 2025, an amendment has been made to Circular No. 2013/11 on Insurance Transactions, dated February 22, 2013. As part of this amendment, the following paragraph has been added to the regulations concerning the issuance and cancellation of termination declarations:

"In cases where termination was initially reported without entitlement to severance or notice compensation, but a mediation settlement agreement or court decision subsequently grants such compensation to the employee, the reason for termination shall be updated accordingly. Upon the employee’s or employer’s application to the Institution with a court decision or a mediation settlement agreement bearing the status of an enforceable judgment, the termination reason shall be changed in accordance with the respective court ruling or mediation decision."

Author Ümit Kır, Category Social Security Law and Legislation

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